Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

The success rate for TMDSAS is not so high for TX residents. It only shows ~32.7% matriculation rate for TX residents ( overall 27%).

Just to explain, no one can stop one from graduating if one meets all the requirements of the degree before official graduation date.

Yes & Yes short answer.

Here is the long response.

  1. OU does not care if you graduate in 2 or 5 years, though 4 is most common. On extreme case know a student who graduated in 2 years and did his LLB at OU for 3 years. My D and few others did in 3 years and went to MD; Heard someone BA and MBA at OU in 5 years. OU NMF aid is for 5 years as long as it is in OU irrespective of UG or Masters or Professional. Another BS/MD student wans to spend more time in college, so took 5 years for UG and did double major and study abroad etc and now heading to MD/Ph.D. All variations depending on the student interest. But OU does not allow to take a gap year between UG and MD for BS/MD program.
  2. When you apply for AMCAS, you can apply to other schools. But OU so generous (so far) that still it retains your guaranteed seat at OU (and I think few Florida programs). But many or most programs you will loose that guaranteed seat like CWRU or RPI or BU etc.

You can graduate early but probably canā€™t matriculate early to medical school at most schools.

Looks like people are jumping from CC to SDN to get BSMD vs traditional opinions.

The point is to meet all requirements before the official graduation date on the diploma. If one fails a course in the last semester, it may be an issue. Nothing about 2 or 3 or 4 years.

thanks, so there is no particular advantage being a TX resident?

The point is the admission to medical school is tough either AMCAS or TMDSAS. Look at the data.

There may be some as per MCAT scores. They may have some bias towards those who went to HS in TX. Schools know ORMs are jumping to TX.


Does any know when AMC will be done sending results? or are they all done notifying accepted students? Any input will be appreciated. Thanks

Heard Mountain House, Tracy, & Lathrop are becoming the same

My kid feels more comfortable posting on SDN than here. He said he wanted to hopefully hear from other students in the process.

Tbh, CC doesnā€™t always have the best rep among the students :grimacing::grimacing:

I would appreciate info as well. I believe I read earlier on this thread that they have sent out both ā€œ under considerationā€ letters as well as acceptances, but do not recall hearing about rejection letters.

So about 60% of the applicants are not getting into medical schools? I am confused @PPofEngrDr someone said around 2.2% acceptance rate med schools via standard path from regular UG, but this shows around 60%.

Yes, the failure rate is 58% as per AMCAS but it goes up to 63% for TMDSAS.

Oh really :sweat_smile: Iā€™ve only read SDN post, Iā€™ve never posted. I get the idea of having less parental post, but I kinda like hearing from parents as yā€™all have far more experience and knowledge in my mind. Also, SDN seems kinda anti-parent help.

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Most on SDN are aspiring applicants seeking advise and arguing amongst themselves. Here are those who have been through the application process years before.

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Which week did you have your interview?

I came here first as neither of my parents are doctors and my older sister went into forensic not medicine. Iā€™m the only person in my family who has ever sought to be a doctor (to my knowledge), my great grandfather was a dentist but thatā€™s it :sweat_smile: So I really wanted to see what those with experience were saying. I actually wish I found CC sooner as I wouldā€™ve applied to more than two BSMDs then :joy: I really appreciate the advice yā€™all give, especially with the pandemic CC is really the only source other than just good old google where I can find advice and information about this whole process. Yā€™all are amazing :heart: