Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Internal Medicine - Some specialities required IM as first leg before you pursue actual speciality.


Thank you. So much to know before leaping into this. Huh.

All BS MD programs are not equal and meet needs of differently

That is why in our case we are only pursuing one BS MD program only and will decide based on outcome

Approach is different for everyone same with my elder son he only applied to two and was not selected.

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Same here. still waiting

LA: Though nothing wrong with any of the choices. Not sure your friend C is S or D and what extent support from family needed should play a role also. Now any kid will like to go far away from Parents, and as days roll and reality settles, perspective will change.
I can give examples with success path on each. Bay area boy went to Lehigh/Drexel and did UG in 2 years itself. But BS/MD does not allow so early. So he did 1 year internship at Apollo Hospitals and did MD in Drexel. But only 2 years in Philly area and 2 years in Pitts when rotation started but parents also moved there to provide full support. Did IM residency @ Baylor and now Cardiology residency at Baylor Dallas.
This cycle Bay area girl did her BS in UCB (in 3.5 years itself, premed) and did 6 months research and got UTSW and starting this fall.
Anything is possible from any where. At times don’t complicate path and don’t be afraid. So I don’t feel there is a need to run away from UCB when in Bay area to Emory nor no need to be pick any BS/MD program. As a parent with no medical background will afraid to go to Drexel with all the development happened in the last 2-3 years and knowing the child got admission at UCB and Emory as a ORM (means capable to tap the inner energy)


Happy @SeekingAdvice123 did not end with 999. Even with 1 or 2 or 3 responses not convinced REMS is a good choice. That too feedback from folks who know and been thru like @OldSchoolMD. Also I suggested to reach out to @narkor who is a Doc and whose D went to REMS and doing MD and so happy and successful.

That is a good choice if C is reasonably clear about medicine career and not applied because of parent pressure. GL.

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That is a good choice if C is reasonably clear about medicine career and not applied because of parent pressure. GL.

How does this advice fare for ORM students?

You are in hot seat! What ever you decide will be wrong, so let her decide!
Why narrow only SBU and Columbia. Keep JHU also in fire!
If medicine is not for sure, titling Columbia to try different career options knowing she is keen about Ivy. But if medicine is of interest how Columbia adds distinct advantage to JHU. JHU is not a 250+ ranked school, especially for medicine profession. That too when got the full ride for an outstanding award which is given to selective few. I know some times it is hard to understand and rationalize, since perspectives differ so much. GL

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If anyone has decided/seriously considering OU MHSP, can you please PM me. Son has almost decided and is looking to exchange notes on Logistics including sharing room etc.


A cardiologist, nephrologist, pulmonologist, oncologist, gastroenterologist, etc are all specialists who have finished Internal Medicine residency first. They can practice both as IM doctors and as a specialist. They will have a larger number of clients.

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Don’t forget about Interventional Cardiology and Gastroenterology, some of the most lucrative specialties in medicine that require an Internal Medicine residency first. They routinely make over 1 million in private practice!!!

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For me JHU BME or SBU BS-MD is the best with free UG rides.

Columbia BME ranks nowhere but seems IVYs have done got job brainwashing kids- Of the 3, she seems to be tilting towards Columbia- perhaps she hates me and wants me to spend $$ that I have none!!!

And I will respect her decision as she has to live with it and will not like if I force JHU or SBU.

She is nearly 99% sure of MD and thus SBU MD offers the lowest cost ( assuming it does not matter where you do MD!). After JHU BME she perhaps gets T10 school and perhaps after Columbia too.

The only reason for BME is MD. Otherwise ChE is a broader discipline with more job opportunities and at graduate level, you can do BME in ChE. Like Aero and Mech engg. or Petroleum and ChE. Also ChE ( and ECE/CS) pay much more than narrow BME and you are stuck to medical/pharmas only.

That is why I mentioned to which IM orgrams the colleges are matching as that is the pathway to these top programs

Let her change her major once matriculates to a UG program. She may loose merit scholarship at JHU/Columbia if opts for ECE/CS. She can still apply to MD with ECE/CS degree. D had done CS and Biological Sciences dual majors.

I dont think it is possible to get this far if I was being pushed by my parents but I will take your advice - my apologies I just saw a lot of conflicting informaiton.

IM related specialties are not so difficult to get into after IM residency compared to many surgical related residencies (except for General Surgery).

IM specialties can be difficult, especially gastro and cardio, however they are easier for US MDs to get as they are heavily preferred over IMGs and FMGs.

We are mostly talking about US MD students by default here on CC.

Matching at Duke for cardiology after IM residency is very competitive

Why you should not aim for top programs ???

Why go to JHU if ECE/CS- She has CMU/Austin/GT etc. that rank T5 whereas JHU ranks nowhere in most engg. except BME- I am having some doubts on JHU BME since GT that ranks 2 has formidable all other Engg dept and so are most others except JHU. No top goes to JHU for ECE/CS or ChE.

Perhaps JHU ranks in 40-50 in most other Engg and science dept. Not sure how they made it to 1 in BME.