Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

What!! Did you say something!!

CMU is number one in the area of artificial intelligence and top companies FAANG already have them

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UIUC success report states this Annual Reports | Illini Success - Illinois otherwise. Wonder even UTs publishes comprehensive numbers like this. Latest year data is completely skewed due to pandemic, very less participation in survey. I would look prior years for meaningful info.

One big reason why CS salaries are skewed and CA colleges are on top is because of COL, CA colleges CS/CE students are likely to stay in CA, while few east coasters will go to CA, may prefer NY over bay area. 120K in Bay area is same as 80K in Austin.

Also look at trend reports on same site that UIUC started publishing. Very informative, there is a clear red flag for BioE degree, considered close to BME.

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DD is pretty much close to accepting BU SMED. If there are any BU SMED accepted parents here that would want to connect offline, could you please message me directly?

CMU May not be much active in Premed but I Always see there students from CMU in UPSOM MD sand MD PHD program

You want to check how they do for other medical schools

Not just Artificial intelligence - it is CS, robotics, computational biology, human-machine interaction, and more.

And for the people in Arts, its Performing Arts school is among the Top 5 in the nation - many Hollywood celebrities have a CMU connection.

Ask the Admission Office for data and speak to current students there - they will provide the best info.

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Sir, if you are trying to draw conclusion from data and that data is questionable, it helps to point out.

End of the day - who cares about bragging rights.
More important is that did your college experience set you up for future success.

Yes, let’s enjoy the small things in life - especially the time we have with our family and kids.

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Think lot of supporters for CMU CS/ECE and other dept. here. D has CMU ChE as no BME but can choose BME as subset of ChE ( also same in NYU etc.)

I have numerous friends PhDs and their UG kids who had CMU CS but could not make to Stanford/MIT forget Caltech- I am yet to see one kid join CMU UG or PhD for CS/ECE over Stanford/MIT/Caltech. Many times even with full ride at CMU CS/ECE.

Yes it is topnotch dept. but if kids have Stanford/MIT/Caltech or IVYs, rarely anyone goes. IVY crowd may be slightly different but IVY have done good job marketing and get the kids inspite none of Engg or CS ranking in T10.

Same as JHU BME. GT CS/BME is close 2-4 but again most folk go to IVY/Stanford/MIT.

Think 1-5 does not matter much and overall school rating trumps and thus the trend.

Think enough of all this- lets move to SBU MD or IVY!!!

I directly know a student at Drexel med school, I know her from her elementary school, she was admitted as 7-year Bsmd student. she did very well with perfect gpa and MCAT score with 99th percentile. Mom told me that they closed their hospital last year so they are doing rotations with other hospitals, don’t know if it’s good or bad. No one is turned down after meeting their requirements so far. They had just gpa & MCAT requirements back then, they added coop & 100 hrs. service now in addition to those 2 requirements. I don’t know how they placed a couple at Stanford residency program last year. I haven’t seen many CA hospitals in NJMS match list, Drexel had over 20 in CA


We are leaning towards Harvard for Premed for now.

what Ivy option you have ?

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Any suggestion on Harvard Premed in neurosciences for Premed ?

Harvard claims 93 percent acceptance in med schools but do not know what percent got T20 ?

Again it is difficult to get the numbers.

Did you get a likely from Harvard?

Harvard’s Office of Career Services estimates that 17% of any one of its classes will apply to med school—that’s a huge fraction of the student body! Pre-med applicants with a 3.5 GPA or higher had a 93% acceptance rate to med schools in 2013, whereas average acceptance rates that year were about 42%.

Harvard College offers a peer pre-med advising program in which students are assigned a pre-med tutor sophomore through senior year.

Harvard University houses the #1 ranked medical school in the US and also boasts extremely strong biological sciences departments. There are several affiliated teaching hospitals nearby, too (which are great for both research and clinical experience).

please let me know your opinion

Data what I read is 15 percent of Harvard undergraduates out 17 percent who apply are in med schools other 2 percent go in different areas as opportunities are abundant

out of 15 percent how many are in T20 ?

We have EA admission at Harvard

Do you still feel you made the right decision 3 years ago?

Thank you very much for this information. Drexel did say they have a hospital in CA that they usually place their students. Not sure I understood exactly what they were saying during my interview. They also mentioned that Reading Hospital is their local hospital now since Hanamunn declared bankruptcy. My AO also mentioned that Drexel is planning on building a new location for COM in university city which might take few years to complete. Not sure if that would a +. I am assuming they will have Bs/Md admitted student orientation soon this month. Hopefully I can get more answers before I decide if I want to commit or not.

D tilting towards Columbia. I am for SBU as I think this IVY business (and most top schools if you have to pay 300-400K) a marketing hype although top schools cushion you well for life. Harvey Mudd seem to ace everywhere from my research.

Wait 3 more days.

Think will let D decide as want her to be happy. What the heck- 400K loans what else!!!

I am I. The same boat but Harvard name is difficult to give up which we did not have for elder one.

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