Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

darn, Vandy ranked 23, NU 35, BU 41, Temple 85, in primary care.

@PPofEngrDr - Private schools do better in research not primary care. Look at the primary care, dominated by public schools. Thatā€™s why there are two separate lists. UCSF is the ideal school and thatā€™s why itā€™s so difficult to get (even for in-state)!!

@srk2017 i know just throw that primary care towel : O:-)

Penn and Vandy are at the top with an average of 246 (USMLE scores).

I donā€™t have a favorite rankings site. But this more close to reality site released their rankings couple of weeks ago (which I didnā€™t bother to mention here). Though NU, BU and Baylor all missed the top 50 mark narrowly this time unlike last year, those 3 fall in the overall score range between 79 and 80 ( I calculated based on the weighted sums of the different metrics mentioned in their methodology). Brown was in the 76 range.

@rk2017 - did it rank UCLA above UCSF? (Not filtering properly)

Yes, perhaps they are right about it or may be not, but far better than your favorite site doing a tie between NYU and Stanford at 3 last year :slight_smile:


I will tell my DS that his housing arrangement is done, should he decide to apply UCSF. :)) :))

@rk2017, there is no way UCLA is better than UCSF, so that site is not reliable LOL.

@PPofEngrDr - I didnā€™t know you have a house in SF :slight_smile:

@srk2017 I donā€™t, but I know someone who does. ~O)

@PPofEngrDr - Good for you, hope you are getting heavy discount, otherwise 1 BR costs $3K+ and there are no basements :slight_smile:

there is no way UCLA is better than UCSF, so that site is not reliable LOL.


That may be because UCLA edges out UCSF in 2 categories, very narrowly in Academic reputation (with a 40% weightage) and very handily in Employer reputation (though just 10% weightage). The other 2 categories they are more or less identical (with 25% weightage for each)

hmmm, Academic reputation also UCSF should be better as per I know.

50% weightage to ā€œreputationā€.
Need to study their methodology - how they measure reputation.

May be I can apply their methodology to value brands!

Surprising to see Stanford, Cornell, University of Illinois and University of Cincinnati are all ranked at #48

College Admissions Scam:

The more I read the more I am thinking - rich folks had bribed up to $1.2 million to get their kids to ā€œeliteā€ schools, mostly on athletics quota -
What are they teaching their kids?
Lying, cheating is ok?
You can buy anything in the world?

Or were they ā€œashamedā€ of their kids going to non-elite schools?

Wish they had spent that money on teaching themselves about ethics.

@rk2017 Are you sure the rankings are accurate? For the ā€˜medicineā€™ category that you linked, MIT is number 9. MIT doesnā€™t have a medical schoolā€¦ are they instead ranking preparation for medicine in the undergrad?

Not a good site to evaluate the college rankings
Good article on ranking