Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019


Not only MIT but CalTech, Rockefeller and few others also don’t have med schools of their own. But they are all involved in cutting edge research and breakthroughs in medicine and life sciences (and also granted tonnes of funding in those). That’s why their names are incorporated into rankings and nothing wrong in that.
If you strictly want only institutions that have med schools associated with them (even if they are no way comparable to the research Power houses mentioned above), feel free to discard MIT and others from their list.

Not yet.

@2019NewB just wonder how come so many private companies are there to help out Drs only. During my elder son engineering admission journey never heard of such companies for eng. What is so special for medical schools that so many companies intrigued to help?

Some of the academic departments and research institutions at MIT that are actively involved in medical research that I vaguely remember from our tour there:
Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Bio Engineering, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Broad Institute (joint venture with Harvard Med), center for nano technology and a center for cancer research (forgot it’s name, a huge building right in or just outside the campus). I am sure I missed few more important ones.

This is what stated as mission, its just gives me stomach cramps.

The Key Foundation’s mission is to provide guidance, encouragement, and opportunity to disadvantaged students around the world.

Since its founding in 2014, the Key Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, has touched the lives of hundreds of students that would never have been exposed to what higher education could do for them. Many of these students have only known life on the streets, surrounded by the gang violence of the inner-city. The Key Foundation, directly or partnered with other organizations, have met these students where they live, to encourage them, and open doors for enriching opportunities beyond their wildest imaginations. More than just donating funds, the Key Foundation often donates the time of the very experts that coach and train some of the most affluent students in the world, to give the same opportunity to those that have none. Each year, the Key Foundation provides 30 disadvantaged students with a full scholarship to the Key’s Premium College Coaching program.

This admission game is being played by influential folks and lack of that game knowledge hurts others, its not a level playing field. Its like legally rigged or illegally rigged, but it is still rigged.

@rk2017 Yes, if we are talking about medical research specifically. What about the quality of medical education?


What makes you think the quality of education at MIT and others is questionable? (In areas like Biological engineering, Biology/Bio Chemistry, Brain sciences , and in a number of interdisciplinary fields)?
Anyways why don’t you go through their methodology - I mean QS World’s, I don’t have any respect for the other site being quoted here - shoot them any questions and share any findings from that here with us?

AMC unranked again! I am choosing to believe that they just refuse to participate in an unjust system. Go AMC! (just kidding everyone)

The accommodation issue reminds me a bit of the push to have many kids start kindergarten a year late. At first, it was only done by a few families who had children who really weren’t ready. Soon, other families started to realize that if they held their kids back a year, their kids would shine in the class – eventually get pulled out for high math, etc. Eventually, it became a real disability to start kindergarten at the regular time. If you are a late birthday, you are in class with many kids almost two years older. So parents who don’t hold their kids back start to feel bad.

The same is happening with accommodations. At first, its a perfectly legitimate technique to level the field for kids with disabilities. Suddenly, it seems like the kids who don’t get the accommodations are the ones at a huge disadvantage. Good people who don’t want to cheat feel that maybe they are doing something wrong – actively disadvantaging their children by not doing this.

@gallentjill - so true, too much pressure on parents and students. My DS was the youngest in his class and few kids were 2 years older than him and at times felt the difference (social aspects) :slight_smile:


Not only AMC but a handful of decent medical schools opt out of their rankings such as Tulane, Arizona, Uniformed Services and Nevada.

@rk2017 I did not question the educational merits of MIT. I am questioning what exactly your rankings are measuring. You seemed to suggest they were ranking medical programs, but apparently not. Then you suggested they were ranking medical research – sure, but then where are the medicine rankings?

I think we are going in circles and I answered earlier. They are medicine rankings, with or without med schools attached to them (a very small minority of them though). In such cases they are most likely collaborating with the ones having med schools and are a big part of their name and fame around the world.


CollegeCheatingScandal is trending on Twitter.

In this hyper competitive world, it seems there are many parents wanting to game the system.

It is one thing to hold one’s child back one year and quite another to get someone else to seat for you and give your SAT and get fake athletic certifications.
These parents committed crime.

One I can say is if your child has not faced “hardships” in school, they will find college to be brutal.

@gallentjill - Yes, AMC is unranked again and I undertand if AMC doesnt want to be ranked…But why are they not publishing the tuition? It kind of worries me…

@bamd I asked about the tuition. Its on page 36. Its in line with other private schools. I think they just have a very poorly designed website.

@bamd Tuition $58,211 per MSAR. Median GPA 3.68 and MCAT 511.

@gallentjill - thank you…the link you provided gives me 404-page not found error :frowning:
@GoldenRock - thank you…


It is not a great website.

@gallentjill - thanks a lot!!