Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019


unfortunately laws only doesn’t deter criminals, because they don’t follow it to begin with. In perspective, for those kids college is irrelevant, its a like vanity project.

Thanks! @JJ2019

When does UConn send out SPiM final results?

Did not know USC was such a hot choice for UG ?. DD did get into UG (as a pre-med) with a NMF based partial tuition scholarship.

USC has a good pre med program…decisions out for USC? Email or Snail mail?

@bamd This is not for the current cycle but in past.


Tomorrow is Pi day
MIT results for RD will be out.
All the best.

And Hopkins/UCLA the next day! Best of luck everyone.

The people on this thread have been so helpful and giving. I’m hoping for the best for all your kids as decisions come out!

cant agree more with you @gallentjill …people on this thread are amazing…

Curious for your take on traditional route medical school applications.
As per other familiar site for Drs some of highly sought BS/MD programs are listed as Low Yield schools.
E.g. BU, Drexel, Temple, GWU, Albany etc…The explanation directly from that site

“Candidates with stronger applications will have a better shot at getting into schools overall, so for these applicants, the return on investment for applying to a few more schools that have low yield will not be worth the time, effort, and money. However, for more marginal or borderline candidates, the chances of getting into a school (any school) is lower, and therefore increasing the number of schools they apply to may appreciably increase their chances of getting accepted. Once all the non-low yield schools have been applied to, they will have to dip into the low yield schools.”

So it sounds like stronger traditional route candidates are ignoring highly sought BS/MD programs and
more borderline UG candidates are applying to those highly sought BS/MD programs.
Tbh, I am just baffled.

UMKC BS/MD results are out

@PPofEngrDr Based on my D school disctrict, the top students who wants to pursue science (majority towards to MD) didnt not apply for BSMD…

My D may be the only one from our school who applied to BSMD - possibly ever. Our guidance counselor didn’t even really seem familiar with them. If not for this board, we wouldn’t have known anything.

I have my Case Western interview next week, and wanted some tips from ya’ll on how to prepare for the interview. What types of questions should I be prepared for? I’m definitely scared for the curveballs.

@Mahikesh @gallentjill I understand high school to BS/MD, however from analysis I read seems like 2 opposite trends, High School to BS/MD highly sought programs medical schools (BU, Drexel, Albany, GWU etc.) become lower priority for a typical UG higher performer candidates. So all about ranking, quality of medical school contradicting each other. I just can’t grasp this one.

@PPofEngrDr Are you asking why many people don’t want BU, drexel and Albany BSMD programs?

@gallentjill No, let me elaborate, so think as 2 sets of candidate, set 1 apply as High School to BS/MD (e.g. BU), people prefer to join and accept. Now let us say set 2, coming from traditional UG route and they are high performer (MCAT 520+, GPA 3.8+), they don’t apply to low yield school (e.g. BU). So a preferred high school trend (BU) become less preferred/priority from a UG route. Google WARS SDN and you will see what I am referencing here. Hope this explains.

@PPofEngrDr I think it has to do with calculation of risk. When you are in high school and desperately want med school, you are willing to trade the chance for a higher ranked med school for the guarantee of ANY medical school. Once you have already finished college and have the great stats to aim for something more highly ranked, then maybe you don’t look as favorably on those schools.

Also, I think some people on the web are suggesting that those schools get so many applications and have admissions standards that are so hard to figure out so why would a high stat student even bother? It costs a lot and takes a lot of time to apply to each med school.

For us, the chance to go to an undergrad school my daughter likes AND get a MS degree AND have a spot waiting for her at medical school was far to good to pass up.

I’m only guessing, honestly, because before I started reading here, I didn’t realize there were any US medical schools that were looked down on. I assumed they were all great and a student would consider herself lucky to be getting an MD without having to go to the Caribbean, so what do I know?

No clue about what WARS is.

But at least in my NJ high school, which is majority Indian, both the valedictorian and saludictarion chose to go to programs.

Additionally, out of the top 5-GPA pre-meds, including the above 2, I would say 4/5 chose the BS/MD route. Note that I’m not counting myself and that all of these kids are either Chinese or Indian- have seen very few smart Caucasian kids go the BSMD route.