Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

BSMD program allows medical schools (and UG) to pick up the best high school grads and prevent them from going somewhere else (very few opt out of the program). If not for the program, very few of those would be applying to those UG and medical colleges if going traditional.

As per I know in last 8-10 year only one went from our highly competitive school went to BSMD (BU) and he changed his mind and doing Ph.D at Berkeley now. One got RPI/AMC 6 years back went traditional and got into UCSD.

What I am eluding to then how risk triumphs medical school quality? If BU, Drexel and other low yield schools preferred by (5% from BS/MD route) are being least preferred from high performing UG (10-15%) route. Doesn’t that sound strange /odd, when you consider that ranking, quality of those low yield medical school doesn’t change between 2 sets of candidates?

@greenpoison I have been wondering about why there are so few white applicants. D has lots of friends who want pre-med but none have tried for these programs. In fact we have gotten some flak about wanting this route. I’m not sure why.

All, I thinking more from broader perspective, not questioning individual decision. Being a logical thinker, it is very hard for me comprehend, contradicting trends and obvious both can’t be true if we truly believe ranking, quality, residency match etc… as a selection criteria.

@GreenPoison WARS is a highly regarded tool available to everyoneon SDN (it is free) and provides a view of medical schools a UG candidate should apply to based on their WARS score, it is kind a LizzyM, but seems highly accurate from students experience. Applied schools are combination of Top tier to State school to Low Yield to DOs. I found that interesting and just bringing it here to discuss. The paragraph I posted in #4576 is directly from that WARS discussion and getting more confused now.

My DS got the results today and is in for UMKC BAMD. I know this isn’t a very popular program in this forum, any thoughts / comments are appreciated.


I don’t have access to WARS, nor intend to get. But found the below. Not too unusual. If you look at the stats, the quality of students applying to these highly sought after programs (via BS/MD route) is similarly quite high in traditional route too. So chances are the same high caliber students are also applying to 6 other top tier programs besides state schools and NYU (which is giving a free ride starting from last year) and many may choose to opt for the lower cost schools. And as someone said, Harvard or Hofstra the insurance companies pay the same :slight_smile:

(Look at the acceptance rate of some med school as renowned as WashU, I can’t tell what their yield rate is but must be quite low too).



Same with my D’s previous high school this cycle (2018). Both valedictorian and salutatorian opted to go to direct med programs leaving several top notch undergrads. Looks like 10+ went to BS/MD programs from the school besides some more to BS/DO.

UMKC … D got Accepted !!!

@bsmdbamd, @whitecane,


Congrats @bsmdbamd and @whitecane !!

Congratulations@whitecane and @bsmdbamd

Congrats @bsmdbamd and @whitecane.
Any of you guys planning to accept?

@rk2017 top WARS scores (it is a mere a spreadsheet tool, like any finance calc) coincide with AMCAS MCAT/GAP table top upper right quadrant. As AMCAS reports tables are truth table, it tends to believe lower WARS scores candidates are not in that quadrant, hence less qualified UG candidates gets into those low yield school then BS/MD route.Why a BS/MD school, supposed to be top ones, settles for low tier UG candidates?

@whitecane @bsmdbamd Congratulations on one more choice of UMKC.


It beats me again and I don’t have patience to research this WARS or whatever new methodology, but I fail to understand how a UG candidate with a median MCAT of 518 and 3.83 gpa at a renowned med school is considered “low tier” UG candidate. The 3.83 gpa itself is misrepresenting since the undergrad there is grade deflated from where a number of candidates matriculate to the med school besides a good number getting acceptances there from similarly grade deflated schools.

@rk2017 for some reason it is not allowing me to post screenshot links. so PMing you the link to see reference.

@2019NewB Not yet, we have to wait for the other BSMD results. Not sure if anyone has anything good to say about UMKC BAMD on this forum. It had some bad reviews here.

congratulations @whitecane . Not sure if your daughter planning to accept or waiting on other BSMD results?? Please share your thoughts about the program


I’m really confused about this entire conversation. Where is a candidate with those stats considered a low tier candidate?