Thread for some positive listings of Christian schools

I graduated from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama and would highly recommend it. It has great academics and offers a wide range of programs, is fairly conservative, and has a beautiful gated campus just minutes away from Birmingham.

If you are interested in something small and even more conservative, there is Welch College in Nashville, Tennessee. It is a Free Will Baptist college and just moved to a beautiful new campus on the outskirts of Nashville. I know lots of people who graduated from there(including our pastor and youth minister).

I work at Liberty University. Let me know if you need anything. Smaller Catholics? Check Pennsylvania, they have a ton…Marywood and Chestnut Hill to name a couple. Villanova if you want to go well known. Fordham, is Jesuit Catholic. Not catholic, but I am not sure if I saw Lipscomb on your list

My dad graduated from Huntingdon College, a Methodist college in Alabama (after he was kicked out of Tulane). He loved his experience there. It was, and still is, a small and nurturing place.

Taylor University in Indiana is a great small non-denominational Christian school, for many years ranked as the best Midwestern Regional Univsity
Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan have maybe 20 Christian Schools (Ceaderville, Grace, Indiana Wesleyan, Olivet (there might be more than one Olivet, the one I’m thinking about is in Illinois), Wheaton (Illinois), Goshen, Huntington (Indiana).

My wife and her siblings graduated from Taylor and my Brother-in-Law teaches there.

A co-worker’s daughter went to Taylor and really enjoyed it. I’d easily recommend the school. Just most kids around here don’t want to go that far away from home TBH, so I’d forgotten it until you mentioned it. It’s good to have on my list!

Taylor University has a good reputation but the only students I know who got significant financial aid were athletes. Otherwise the aid is not great. Also, that school is literally in the middle of nowhere, the nearest place off campus to eat is one family owned restaurant. Otherwise you must drive a significant distance. Only saying that as for some college kids being in tough weather and having nothing close by can be a real negative.

@hopedaisy That’s not been my experience at all. My son was offered significant merit based on GPA and SAT at Taylor (he was UW 4.0, 1470 SAT) and my niece also recieved quite a bit of need based aid as well as some merit and her stats were not nearly so good (I think she was a B+ student and high 1300 SAT). For time reference, my son is a Junior in college (not at Taylor) and my niece is an incoming freshman and will be attending Taylor.

hopedaisy is correct in asserting the fact that Taylor is in the boonies.

North and South Carolina are full of religious affiliated colleges - Belmont Abbey, Limestone, Queens, Wofford, Presbyterian.

My Oldest goes to Taylor. She got Merit and Community Scholarships through Taylor and outside scholarships. It has a great Christian community. She has traveled to Greece for a J-term and Ecuador for the semester. These are included in your tuition. [J-term is optional and I think you pay around $1k whether staying on campus or doing a travel program].

Belmont seems to be Christian on paper only. Lipscomb also seems to have a great christian community.

Oops, already posted in this thread about Neumann, near Philly. Sorry about that :wink:

Farther afield: I know somebody who had a very positive experience at Biola U in California. He was pre-med and did very well on the MCAT and got into a good med school. He also got a very good education in Christian ethics and philosophy and was very happy with his choice.

Patrick Henry (VA) has a rigorous Classical Christian core curriculum which may appeal to “life of the mind/great books” students.

Belmont, Samford, Presbyterian


I’ve heard AWESOME things about Dayton. They give awesome merit scholarships, have a reputation on Princeton review for happiest students, and have a very strong engineering program (#50 US News and World Report.) I’m not Catholic (non-denominational) but probably lean the most towards Baptist. I am considering going there, but am unsure how I would feel since he majority of the student population is probably Catholic, and I would like to worship with people who have similar beliefs.

Anyone know about Baylor and their FA? Considering applying there.

Baylor is really generous with financial aid and offers a large number of merit and athletic scholarships as well.

@equationlover : run the NPC. Thy don’t meet need and are expensive for lower income students but their package may be competitive.

Concordia, Irvine; Westmont, Santa Barbara, Pt. Loma Nazarene, San Diego; Grand Canyon Univ., Phoenix; Azusa Pacific, Azusa, CA; Simpson Univ, Redding, CA; Colorado Christian Univ., Lakewood, Colo; and my very favorite (on paper; haven’t been there), College of the Ozarks, a Christian work college.

Have not seen University of Valley Forge mentioned. It’s an Assemblies of God university in a nice suburb of Philadelphia.

Central College in Pella, Iowa (affiliated with the Reformed Church in America)
Hope College in Holland, Michigan (also affiliated with the RCA)
Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan (affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church)