Three Word Story

<p>Before the sofa</p>

<p>internally combusted itself, :D</p>

<p>upon the recliner</p>

<p>I get it honey, you like the notion of blowing stuff up? It is all cool. (^_^)</p>

<p>which instantaneously combusted. :) </p>

<p>This story is such a masterpiece.</p>

<p>catapulting the reader</p>

<p>into North Korea</p>

<p>where it landed</p>

<p>on an H-bomb.</p>

<p>Tragically, the End.</p>

<p>Or is it?.....</p>

<p>I hope so. </p>

<p>Yeah, that is mean and all. Hee Hee (^_^)</p>

<p>The jolly frog</p>

<p>revived the story</p>

<p>well, not really.</p>

<p>For he died, </p>

<p>Died the way this thread should die. Slowly and tragically. I am soo mean. (^_^)</p>

<p>in a pond 10char</p>

<p>near a van</p>

<p>that revived him</p>

<p>turning him into</p>

<p>a handsome prince.</p>