<p>An overfed longhaired leaping gnome.</p>
<p>ran into my parking</p>
<p>read here.....
D'yer.. don't start new sentences! ;)</p>
<p>^ spot? /<em>why isn't this thread working?!</em>/</p>
<p>and then I threw oranges</p>
<p>like spears at those blasted</p>
<p>monkeys, damn you you prunes!</p>
<p>Ohhhhh.....! I get it now! It's a continuing story. I thought each post was a 5-word story unto itself. DOH! Someone shoot me and end it for me before I do something that's stupid AND painful to myself!</p>
<p>I've REALLY gotta go just</p>
<p>LOL dyer maker, I was wondering why your posts didn't match the context of the story....</p>
<p>stop the parade, because I've</p>
<p>got syfilis... damn parking ticket</p>
<p>made me loose my dictionary.</p>
<p>syfilis = syphilis? (^_^)</p>
<p>(dutch spelling, damn me xD)</p>
<p>So i went of fishing...</p>
<p>...for that infernal dictionary when...</p>
<p>there shined a shiny demon...</p>
<p>unicorn-shaped, but riddled with malice.</p>
<p>I rubbed her horns for</p>
<p>a beer, it was very</p>
<p>relaxing. It was funny how</p>
<p>true the old saying goes:</p>
<p>Internal combustion engines internally combust.</p>
<p>I contemplated deeply how unicorns</p>