Thurgood Marshall, Res Halls, Overall picture

<p>Hey Guys,</p>

<p>I wanted to know what you guys think of the TMC dorms in the res. halls. I went to admit day and the suites (sorry if I mess up w/ college lingo) and rooms looked a bit (or a lot) cramped. I don't mind meeting new people and all, but how would having a "roomie" affect sleep patterns and all? (that is are there raging parties ever preventing one from getting enough sleep?) sorry if the questions sound inane and were a wast of your time.</p>

<p>So does anyone know if TMC has air conditioning?
also, I noticed this question asked once or twice before, but wanted to clarify a bit :
are we allowed to bring people over to our room to sleep over, etc. and how would having a single vs double (rare I know) vs triple...
oh, and what are the benefits of having apartments on campus vs. res halls? as a freshman I know I would want to get to know my classmates and all, but apartment setting w/ a couple of close buds sounds a bit more...relaxing/less stress? (comments on that?)</p>

<p>Oh, and a bit off topic, but how often do the "hardcore premeds who study a lot (and happen to be in Human Biology or similar " manage to get good (B-A+) grades and also be able to enjoy college life (chilling w/ friends, beach, pool, clubs, internships...)?</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>I know I asked a lot, I appreciate any responses :)</p>

<p>Hey OP,</p>

<p>Personally, I didn’t mind the TMC dorms in the res halls. The only thing that bothered me was the lack of anything for the windows (nothing!) so once you open it–it’s open…unless you live on ground floor. I had a strange phobia of the window for a while (I thought I was going to slip and somehow fall out, haha).</p>

<p>They ask you several questions for housing before you get in, but it pretty much depends on luck. I lived in a double and was fortunate enough to have a roommate with similar sleeping patterns as me, so I never had a problem with her. This year (I’m in TMC apartments) I wasn’t as lucky, so I invested in some earplugs. Works quite well :)</p>

<p>From what I remember, I don’t think TMC has air conditioning… I don’t think we have air conditioning right now in apartments, either. I do know we have a heater though. But the dorms are close enough to the beach where you get a lot of cool breezes throughout the night if you leave it open.</p>

<p>Yes, you are allowed to bring over people to sleep over, especially if your roommate/suitemates don’t mind. I think legally, you’re allowed several nights, but in all honesty, it doesn’t really matter as long as nobody has a problem. My suitemate’s boyfriend pretty much lived in her single until my other suitemates has a problem with it. You get to pick if you want to live in a single, double, or triple. Apparently, I didn’t get the memo that it’s difficult to get into a double, so I signed up as a double–and got it! My other suitemates were surprised 'cause they wanted a double too, but they thought they couldn’t.</p>

<p>You can’t live in the TMC apartments yet from what I know, since you live in res halls first. TRUST ME–this is way better! In the first month when you’re there, EVERYBODY will be super nice to EVERYBODY. This is pretty much the only time in your college life where you can make a ton of friends that easily. In apartments, you live with 5 other people. In res halls, you’ll be living with 8~9 (I think; I don’t feel like counting). From what I know, you’ll most likely make friends with your suitemates first–or that’s what usually happened last year. Then you’ll come to either love’em or hate’em (or don’t care for them at all) and well–don’t be worried about it now. :)</p>

<p>I’ve seen “hardcore premeds” break already under pressure, and I’ve seen others do just fine. Some people gotta get the ball rolling before hand, but others catch on super quick and find a good balance.</p>

<p>I hope that helped!</p>

<p>Also, note that there are probably some exceptions and your experiences may vary but this was just my take at TMC res halls last year :wink:
I didn’t become super BFFs with all the girls I lived with last year, but I am living with some of them now, and it was a pretty fun experience! :slight_smile: HAVE FUN WHEN YOU GET THERE!!!</p>



<p>It also matters if res life finds out. You can get kicked out for that.</p>

<p><a href=“I%20think;%20I%20don’t%20feel%20like%20counting”>QUOTE</a>.


<p>You spent more time typing that than actually counting. Ha ha.</p>

<p>Actually, even my RA knew about it, but nobody had a problem with it so nothing happened (until people did)</p>

<p>And my apologies for trying to help out a incoming freshie with as much info I could give :p</p>

<p>@jdshopa : Thank you so much for the reply. I enjoyed reading it and found it informative and helpful! :slight_smile: Thanks for an in-depth look at the apartments. I am looking forward to UCSD so much now!!! </p>

<p>Ahhh, soooo exxxxxxccccccccccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttteeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddd…</p>

<p>now i just got to get through ap tests … lol… I mean I “get” to get through ap tests hahaha.</p>

<p>It’s good to know that some RA s and other people will be relaxed as long as we don’t do anything stupid haha.</p>