TI-89 on Math Sat

<p>Im gonna be using a TI-89 for the SAT Math 2. I know how to do most things on it, but i was wondering if there were any websites/review books that cover programs/formulas i could put in, and any such tips for using a calculator on the math sat ii. Thanks</p>


<p>The Barrons Math 2 prep book has a section devoted to a few programs you can put in.</p>

<p>If you do a quick google, you can find a few things to download.</p>

<p>But your best bet is to just flip through a precalc textbook and find things difficult to remember.</p>

<p>I believe that the 89 has everything you would need on the test already programmed into it. I can’t think of anything that was missing when I used mine.</p>

<p>It might be better to check the manual for specific things you’re wondering about.</p>