<p>Stupid question- I just got the Ti-89 titanium and I'm in the process of figuring all the stuff out. How do you make it calculate using decimals, not fractions?</p>
<p>Press the diamond before hitting enter.</p>
<p>Thank you so much!</p>
<p>you can also choose F2 Approx or change the mode to approx in the mode menu (Hit mode and scroll down to exact/approx and you can choose)
I just got a TI 89 too and it's super confusing</p>
<p>and the manual goes so in depth for all the technical functions, and forgets to explain the basic things</p>
<p>don't worry. give a few weeks and you'll be a pro in the basic stuff. the advanced functions, I don't know. I've had my 89 (non-titanium) for about three years and I still can't do some of the more complex things!</p>
<p>dont fret though, once you learn the basics, the 89 is the most awesome thing on the planet...</p>