<p>I am a Tibetan girl studying in India. I am currently in class XI and I just heard about prep-schools in America. I would like to apply to them. But I don't know anything. Online sites are too confusing. Help Please!!</p>
<p>Thanks a lot!</p>
<p>They are alot of prep schools but some of the main ones are:</p>
<p>Phillips Exeter Academy Co-Ed 9-12, PG
Phillips Academy Andover Co-Ed 9-12, PG
St. Paul’s School Co-Ed 9-12
The Hotchkiss School Co-Ed 9-12, PG
Deerfield Academy Co-Ed 9-12, PG
Girard College Co-Ed 1-12
Peddie School Co-Ed 9-12, PG<br>
Groton School Co-Ed 8-12
Choate Rosemary Hall </p>
<p>The first numbers are the grades they accept.</p>
<p>Here is one of the best websites for research:</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.boardingschoolreview.com/school_overview.php--It[/url]”>http://www.boardingschoolreview.com/school_overview.php--It</a> tends to not always be too accurate, but it will give you a basic understand and figure out which schools “fit” you best. (You’ll hear the term fit around here a lot.). The search engine is great. </p>
<p>THis site is pretty great though. Just ask a lot of questions and keep your mind open to all of the options.</p>
<p>Alright well, like urban flop said those are some of the main ones (don’t forget Lawrenceville) and you basically go on the website and click on admision process they have all the steps you have to take. These schools are really competetive so keep in mind that kids all over the world equally talented as you perhaps more talented apply every year and only a minimal amount of spots are available.
Good Luck, I may be apply for next year as well.</p>
<p>What about financial aid? Any chance I can get full aid? And Do I have to take any particular exams or I just have to submit my normal grades. I think my grades are pretty good.</p>
<p>You can get full aid, it is just more difficult at schools that are not need-blind (meaning they ignore your need for aid when deciding whether or not to admit you).</p>
<p>You will have to take an exam if English is your second language (I am assuming it is) and you will also submit your grades in school from the year you apply, and most likely the two years before that. They will have applications on their websites that you can print out and send to them. In it you will describe awards you have won, sports you play, instruments you play, art you make, extracurriculars in which you take part and also have to write essays). These will be sent with your grades. You also must have an interview. If you don’t want to pay flying costs, you may interview over the phone with an admissions officer, but you will have to call the admissions office about this.</p>
<p>When applying, you should have:</p>
<p>Mostly “A’s” or the equivalent of A’s in your grades.
You should be balanced with other activities (Community Service, Artistic Pursuits, Sports, academic Competitions.)</p>
<p>Is Class XI eleventh grade? If so, what grade are you applying for? Will you be a repeat?</p>
<p>What are you looking for in a prep school? Do you want a big school or a small school? Do you want a tight-knit community?</p>
<p>Does location matter to you? Do you want a school in a city, suburban or rural area?</p>
<p>Does the prestige or marticulation of a school matter to you, or are you looking for the “right fit”?</p>
<p>What are you interested in at a prep school? Do you want to play a certain sport? An instrument? Participate in theatre?</p>
<p>Some other schools you may want to take a look at:
- Middlesex School
- Loomis Chaffee
- Hill School
- Taft School
- Kent School
- Blair Academy
- St. George’s School
- Northfield Mount Hermon School
^ There are many, many schools you can take a look at. You may want to Google these schools for more information.</p>
<p>From what I’ve heard, giving financial aid to international applicants is very competitive.</p>
<p>Since you’ll be an international applicant, the application fee for one school is 100 US dollars. Which schools do you want to apply to?</p>
<p>So. The first step for you is to order the prospectus from each school you want to apply to or learn more information about besides their website. You can order a prospectus by going to the school’s website (and usually the ‘Admissions’ section).</p>
<p>Does anyone know if tsenorbu will need to take both the SSAT and the TOEFL?</p>
<p>Do you have to take a video of me playing music and singing? Or are audio files just fine? I have also participated in debates and won. Is it better to apply earlier and hear sooner from the schools? Or submitting things around the deadline time is ok? Should I start contacting admissions people?</p>
<p>Thanks again guys.</p>
<p>From what I’ve read on these boards, it is very difficult but not impossible, for an international applicant to get financial aid. One of the first things you should do is to contact Admissions at the schools that interest you, and ask if financial aid to an international is possible. You can look into this scholarship [Westminster</a> School ~ The Davis Scholars Programs](<a href=“Maintenance Page”>http://www.westminster-school.org/podium/default.aspx?t=112790) at the schools offering it. However, it states that they are looking for students from geographies not currently being served by the school. </p>
<p>Have you investigated United World Colleges?</p>
<p>Burb Parent this helps a lot! Thank you :)</p>
<p>No matter when you submit your application, you will usually hear from the schools around March 10. Submitting things around the deadline is absolutely fine
And I’m pretty sure it’s never too early to contact admissions people, it’ll probably make the process run much smoother.</p>
<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>Is it ok for my parents to contact the admissions officer because I don’t get enough access to internet. Only once a month since I am in school.</p>
<p>It is absolutely fine for your parents to contact the admissions officer. I suggest they contact the international admissions officer.</p>