Tickets & Action Card

<p>Question… I was just accepted to the school. but am doing the Bama by Distance program. For this season, I can’t purchase student tickets because the time has already passed. & for next season I won’t be able to purchase student tickets because I am not on a campus based program. </p>

<p>For this season… can I have student tickets added to my student number? & if so, how do I get an action card?</p>

<p>Of course… I am jumping the gun with all of this since I don’t “officially” start school here until the Spring… but figured it’s worth a shot!</p>

<li>You need at least 5 on-campus course hours to qualify for football tickets. You will not be able to receive transferred or donated ticket without meeting this requirement. </li>
<li>You can have your Act Card made at UA at the Student Services Building. It will allow you to have access to the libraries once you are enrolled in at least one course hour on or off-campus.</li>