Tickets remain for this weekends Arkansas game

<p>I just got an email from the ticket office saying a limited number of tickets were returned from Ark and they will be placed on sale tomorrow morning at 8am central. </p>

<p>For those still needing tix this will be the cheapest way to get them. They’ll go quick so get on there right at 8am on the dot.</p>

<p>Go to for details.</p>

<p>What happened, NJ? Razorback fans not wanting to pony up the $$ to see their boys get hogtied by Bama’s D? :)</p>

<p>Exactly. They know they’re gonna get drilled. So they figure they’d be better off staying home and watching it in their double wide. </p>

<p>The only difference between Arkansas fans and auburn fans is the razorbacks have indoor plumbing in their trailers. Don’t worry though auburn lurkers. Farm animals are used to going outside. So your dates/sisters won’t mind the lack of indoor facilities.</p>

<p>So do we think students will get off the waiting list then?</p>

<p>this should be unrelated to the waiting list</p>

<p>Idinct…these aren’t student tickets for the student section. </p>

<p>These are regular tickets for specific seats in the regular seating areas.</p>

<p>Any idea whereabout those tickets would be located? Would they be in lower level seats than we get for Parents Weekend?</p>

<p>The tickets sold out about 5 minutes after they went on sale this morning. Most likely they were upper deck endzone tickets as that’s where the majority of the visiting schools allotment are located.</p>

<p>Tried to get tics this morning. I was on right at 8am central and still couldn’t get them. Hope it was good ole Bama fans getting the tics and not scalpers…</p>