Time Approximation?

<p>How long does it normally take, in business days, approximately for a decision to be made on an application. More specifically, I know that a student tab appearing is an indicator you’ve been accepted before you’ve actually received formal notice, how long after the college receives all your materials is a decision made?</p>

<p>Students who are very likely to be admitted often get an admissions decision within a week, sometimes two weeks, once UA starts looking at applications in August, provided all required application materials have been submitted. After that, admissions decisions have even been made the same day. IIRC, UA processes admissions decisions twice a week, though that may have changed. For students who have lower grades and test scores, decisions might take longer depending on when a student applies and how soon UA can get additional documentation to grant admission, provisional admission, or send a rejection letter.</p>

<p>Thanks. Do you know what days of the week they process? All my materials finally arrived last Friday and I’m anxiously waiting. Will there be changes made to the processed application once they review it, for example, the empty “status” column next to all the paperwork I submitted?</p>

<p>I just wanted to offer an update and ask a question.</p>

<p>My student tab did appear today:
<a href=“Screenshot - faff2053df3b1d5e77e48537539b5fd2 - Gyazo”>http://gyazo.com/faff2053df3b1d5e77e48537539b5fd2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Also, I tried going through the process of trying to find the deposit link, etc. I found the link, but nothing was there. Is this normal for people who are transfer students to not have that link go anywhere? I will be coming in with over 60 hours.</p>

<p>Also, this did pop up in the academics tab:
<a href=“Screenshot - 6d90814e466eacb60c19381bf2f37e38 - Gyazo”>http://gyazo.com/6d90814e466eacb60c19381bf2f37e38&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>When I go to orientation, options are there for me to select for any of the four Transfer Bama Bound dates.
Does all this mean I’ve been accepted?</p>

<p>Congratulations on your acceptance! You’ll be getting the formal letter in a week or so. MyBama typically fully updates within a couple days of acceptance.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks SEA_tide! I was losing sleep over not hearing anything back and today has been so rewarding.</p>