<p>Quick question: I've heard back from a few of the schools I've applied to very quickly and all were positive. I'm wondering if it's a bad sign that I haven't heard back from others. Meaning, is it usually bad news if it takes longer and longer to hear back from schools? I'm talking upwards of a month. (I am applying for spring admissions into some of these schools, so one would think logically that it would be good to know sooner?) I know that a month to six weeks is the average to hear back from a lot of places, but it's a bit nerve-wracking when you hear of others hearing back within a week or two (and for fall!). I'm just not really sure how to read it, or to disregard the fact that I haven't heard back.</p>
<p>Patience, patience...I know, I need more. It's just natural to be concerned though...for me at least.</p>