Time for another thread for B and C students

Saw Coastal Carolina, a true match for a B/C student. I wasn’t wild about it for my kid but I think it could be a good school for someone interested in business or sports-related fields like sports management or PT. Lots of athletes, particularly golf and baseball. Kid liked it enough to keep it on the list.

Kid was less enthusiastic about UNC Wilmington but some of that may have been because we were there during a school break so the vibe felt flat. Perhaps it also felt like neither fish nor fowl, in that it didn’t have the city vibe of USC (Carolina), which we’d seen and liked as a reach school earlier in the trip (too big for Mom but kid wants big) nor the charm of a smaller school. I liked it more than kiddo.

Liked University of New Hampshire very much. According to the DOA who ran the info session they’re looking for B+ students. Naviance from kid’s school showed lots of green dots for kids in the B/B- range. None for kids below a 2.6.

Also liked College of Charleston. Match/reach for a B range kid.

Will be visiting High Point (match?) in a few weeks. Also UGA (big reach?) and Georgia State (likely?)

One of my students from last year-- who absolutely fits into the B/C category-- will be going to Coastal Carolina. I think his major has to do with Golf or Golf course management or something. He’s thrilled to death to be attending!

Weighing in here. My DS19’s GPA and rank far exceed this thread, his test scores are spot on for this thread . Even if they were a little higher, he’d still be interested in the school so that show up here. I would hope that others would welcome him here, but after some of the recent posts, that does not seem to be the case. That’s unfortunate.

@carolinamom2boys if my post was included in those “recent posts” then please know it was absolutely not my intention.

I wanted a thread where the emphasis is on schools for kids like my daughter, and for anyone else interested in those same types of schools. It sounds like that includes your son. I’m not big on excluding anyone – particularly someone who has something germane to add to the conversation, whose input could potentially help a kids like my daughter find his or her own “dream school.”

Okay, [raising hand].

I think I need to apologize to those whom I have made feel unwelcome here. My intent was to limit posts about schools to which our 2.5-3.2 kids would never be admitted but clearly I wasn’t gracious in the attempt. We all need to look up and down the food chain for reaches and safeties. I get that. I just hope we’ll make sure to leave plenty of room to discuss great schools for kids who, for whatever reason, have sub-3.0 GPA’s.

Perhaps I was a little oversensitive after reading another thread in which someone claimed that a “1400 [SAT} is pretty easy–any kid can be trained to do grammar and math well, and you don’t have to be very good at reading to get a 1400.”

Some perfectly great kids will never crack 1100 no matter how hard they try. Some kids won’t get A’s. There is a place for them in college as I hope there can be on CC.

OK, so let’s all take a step back, a deep breath, and let go of hurt feelings. I’ve found so much good on this thread and the others aimed at this population of kids-- I would hate to see it end.

Please, folks. This group of kids gets so little attention here on CC. Let’s keep coming up with constructive advice on finding the right schools for them.

@Sue22 I share your sensitivity regarding standardized testing. My DS19 does have a high GPA and I have been told repeatedly the same thing and have been told he’s a prime example of grade inflation. Not only is that not an accurate statement, but a very hurtful one. Just as many B and C students have limited options and may be shut out of their dream schools, he is facing the same situation. We aren’t chasing prestige. We didn’t chase prestige for my top 1% Honors student either . People need to find a school that is right for their student and be comfortable enough to be able to state what that school is without feeling the need to justify the choice .

I apologize if my comments were interpreted as trying to keep people from posting. It was just starting to get a little out of hand with multiple anecdotes about higher stats kids who were getting merit at schools that are beyond the reach of the kids on this thread. Heck my son has a 3.17 gpa, 1220 SAT, with two APs so I actually consider him above the target student for this thread. However, I do like to read what people recommend and as with many threads here on CC, it was drifting upwards. Sorry if I started a war.

OK, let’s move on.

Two weeks from today we’ll be packing up the car. And, as much as I can’t wait for her experience to begin, my heart is already starting to ache.

And she’s been a bit moody, probably more nervous than she’s saying. She’s sleeping over her cousin’s tonight, and her younger sister (and current roommate) is working. So I think I’m going to tackle their bedroom. Nope, not my job, I know. But my 18 year old seems to have Scarlett O’Hara complex-- “I’ll think about it tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day” when it comes to starting to pull things together for school. I know that doing so will make my life will much easier in 2 weeks-- that last weekend is both the parish fair-- my husband and I are volunteering-- and I have an Ordination to attend. So I want to get some jeans and long sleeved shirts-- stuff she won’t be needing for the next 2 weeks-- packed.

If I can free up enough of her time to make those goodbyes easier, so she has time to see all the people she wants to see and still get in all the hours she can at work, then I’m fine with doing her a favor. Oh,and for what it’s worth, as a teacher I’m in the midst of a 2 month long vacation. An hour or two in her room won’t kill me.

For any families in the Boston area, I just found a listing for this college fair, chock full of great schools appropriate for the B/C student. The fair is tomorrow (Thursday, 8/9/18).

Hi all, I’m new here. I was here a few years back with my daughter who is a rising junior at UC San Diego. She had prettty high stats and the college admission procedure was still pretty bruising. However, she love UCSD and is doing great

Now I have my D19 who is a rising senior in high school. She’s a B+ student, but she has a number of Ca on her TS. They have just been balanced by the As. She got a 28 on the ACT (after getting a 1000 on the PSAT). I don’t know if she will take the ACT again. She’s a bright kid, varsity athlete, diligent, but has a difficult time focusing and does not love being in the classsroom.

She really wants to go to school in NYC with a goal of Fashion Merchandising/Marketing (all I can think is how will she get a job). So far she wants to apply to Fordham, FIT, Hunter, Marymount Manhattan and Pace. I visited Fordham, Marymount and Pace with her and really liked them, but I am very worried about job prospects. I could force her to stay in California and attend a Cal State (I don’t think she is competitive for UC). She would get $$ at Pace and Marymount, probably not at Fordham even if she got in, which would put it out of the running. Hunter and FIT have decent coats for out of state (about the same as a UC) and maybe she could become a NY resident.

She is very focused on NYC. She knows it well and is at NYU Precollege this summer on a scholarship but she would not get into NYU. She didn’t like the New School.

Can any New Yorkers weigh in on any of these schools? I went to college in NYC and I love it too but I’m worried about her changing her mind about NYC or changing her mind about marketing.

I’m particularly interested in Marymount. We liked it a lot. But it seems they are struggling to get students and I worry about the viability of the school. And I know very little about the CUNY (Hunter) and SUNY (FIT) systems.


@LionsMum CUNY Hunter is a commuter school, so I don’t know how that would play into your D’s plans.

An OOS student shouldn’t attend a CUNY. They are strictly commuter - kids live at home, go to school, go to work and then back home (there may only be one allotted time for clubs, a time.eriod one day a week with no class to ensure all students can have one activity.)
What about SUNY Oneonta and Ithaca’s programs with FIT?

We live on Long Island.

My daughter started off as a Fashion Merchandising major. Here are some of the schools within a few hours of NYC that she considered before changing her mind about her major:

  • FIT
  • LIM (Take a look at this one!!! It''s strong in Fashion Merchandising)
  • Marymount Manhattan
  • Immaculata (PA, near Philly, 3 hours from NYC)
  • Fischer (Boston)
  • SUNY Oneonta (about 4 hours upstate from NYC, Fashion and Textiles major)
  • Centenary (NJ, within an hour or so from NYC)
  • Johnson & Wales (Providence RI)
  • Montclair (NJ, close to NYC)
  • Marist (upstate NY, about 3 hours north)
  • Stevenson (Maryland, about 4 hours south)

Does anyone have knowledge of Springfield College (MA)? I only know it as the place where Basketball was invented. A quick glance at the CDS shows GPA distribution as an hourglass - meaning about 45% of enrolled students are 3.5 and up, and about 37% are 3.24 and below, with the smallest fraction in between. Most distributions I see have the greatest percentage in the middle. Anyway, they have a good sport team for my D and some interesting majors. It looks like physical education, PT/OT and other exercise- health related programs may be their strongest offerings. I’d love any insight you all might have about the school, neighborhood, town etc.

@Acersaccharum We just recently stumbled across Springfield ourselves, due to their OT program, which is excellent. As you said, it seems like they have a great reputation in certain areas (health and fitness majors), while maybe they fly under the radar a bit in others? The CDS may be atypical/skewed because admissions for some programs, like PT and OT, is far more competitive than the school as a whole. Like you, I’m also interested in learning more about the general vibe. I have heard that the college isn’t in the greatest part of town but don’t know if it’s typical urban grit or something more. From the website, the campus looks pretty and self-contained, and there seems to be access to nature close by, which matters to my kid. The overall Humanics philosophy of the school (balance of mind, body, spirit, and service to others) is appealing although it more than marketing fluff? I hope so, but would love to hear from actual students or parents. Also, their merit $ is excellent, which is very very nice.

We have been to Springfield College several times for basketball. It’s their claim to fame and they have a lot of courts and host a lot of tournaments. Other than that, I know one person who is going there for Education. It doesn’t come up much around here even though it’s not that far away.

Thanks @Bubblewrap666 and @me29034 . This is sort of the impression I have too. I think D will apply sight unseen and visit later if it looks like a possibility. They only rank demonstrated interest as “considered” so this will have to do for now.

Taking a break at work and got absorbed in this thread. S18 leaving for college Friday, after a roller coaster acceptance season. GPA 3.0 UW and ACT 24.

Tons of C’s on his transcript, but he took a bunch of Honors and a few AP. Looked at all LAC’s and D3 athletics. He was in the bottom 25% at 2 schools - one of which we are double-legacy and he was an athletic recruit - he was deferred in ED/EA. Then accepted in RD with great merit after the ED deferral (the EA school waitlisted him). He inched into the bottom of the 50% range at two more. Ended up with good merit money in the RD round. Went with the school that has the higher acceptance rate, and highest merit.

Like someone else posted earlier - don’t rule out acceptances or money if in the middle 50 - it could happen.

Thanks @1399HdJ - Needed that inspiration!