Time for another thread for B and C students

@DCNatFan & @MYOS1634 - Thank you!

Ok, revised our list. My son and husband visited U of Scranton yesterday, and while the campus seems quiet for a Saturday the boy still liked it.

What is the consensus on St. Joseph’s U outside of Philly? Would that be considered a stretch?

SUNY Oneonta
SUNY Brockport
SUNY Oswego
U of Scranton
Roger Williams
St. Bonaventure

@NYmom1619 -

Why did your son select the 3 SUNY’s on his list? A particular major, sport, location? I ask because my kids had the stats for this thread and selected different SUNY schools.

Oh! Which SUNY’s did your kiddos select?

Oneonta (my son really liked that campus) and Brockport have International Studies majors. Oswego was suggested by another person on this thread, as well as my son’s school guidance counselor. Brockport and Oswego have club lacrosse. We are considering Cortland, but that’s getting hard to get into. I had friend whose daughter was denied at Cortland but accepted to Albany…go figure.

DS16 turns 21 today. Heading to Charleston to celebrate.

Sorry for the post, meant to put it in the 2016 thread.

@NYmom1619 -

My D and one son went to Plattsburgh. S17 is currently at Fredonia and the other two chose NCC.

My D (HS class of 2009) was accepted at Cortland and Oneonta, denied at Geneseo and waitlisted at New Paltz. It was the height of the recession and many kids who would have gone private went to SUNY in those days. She was an education major with a music concentration. My son was a poli sci major and thought the department was good. S17 began in the BFA theater tech program but recently switched to a theater BA with a psych minor.

Has your son made any progress on his choices?

Ohio Wesleyan could be an option.

I just found this thread! I really need help and not getting much from guidance counselor. My son is a senior, has a 2.57 GPA, 1010 SAT score, barely any extra curriculars except a couple years of a high school sport. Spent most of high school not caring. Now, suddenly has awoken and wants to apply to 4 year colleges rather head right to CC. I want to weigh all options but really don’t want to set him up for complete rejection. Any suggestions for small - medium size schools in the New Jersey, PA, NY, area. I would even stretch my location criteria from maryland up to the Boston area. Everyone says there are schools for him, but not feeling very optimistic! I do want him to have a good college experience.

Any cost constraints? The CUNY system has a wide variety of options, look at some of those schools. They also are generally affordable especially for in state. What is he interested in?

You’re lucky, there are literally dozens and dozens of colleges in that broad region. One factor will be cost (what’s your budget) and the other is whether he understands beg for be choosers, ie., He’s not going to get into a school that impresses the varsity athletes and the top10% crowd.
But he WILL get into a 4-year college if he’s okay with options people on the thread suggest.
I wouldn’t recommend CUNY unless he can commute.
There are even residential community colleges with dorms and clubs…and good transfer systems to 4-year schools, so that the for two years feel like “sleep away college” and the focus is on a 4-yezr degree.
What sort of curriculum rigor does he have?

To summarize:

  • curriculum rigor (any honors class? Highest level of math and foreign language completed?)
  • budget
  • willingness to consider all 4-year colleges not just a few he’s heard of?

Welcome @Bellaboo1!
Check out this thread for some hope. It’s been around for 10 years, but it’s still getting updates.

@Bellaboo1 if catholic colleges are a possibility, check out St. Bonaventure, Niagara U. and Canisius. They have different settings, one or more might appeal to him. From Naviance, he would likely be accepted with those stats from my kids’ high school. They are great, supportive environments in my experience!

You’re going to laugh but he applied to MANY schools, maybe to many. Anyway @Bellaboo1 your boy has options for sure.

Some schools we applied to with latest update:
St. Bonaventure–Accepted!!

Still waiting for admissions decision:
SUNY Oneonta
SUNY Plattsburgh (thanks @techmom99 for suggestion)
SUNY Brockport
SUNY Oswego
St. John’s (Queens, NY)
Manhattan College
U of Scranton
Roger Williams
Sacred Heart
St. Joseph’s in Philly
St. Anselm

We just sent out applications the week before Thanksgiving and applied Regular Decision. So, surprised we heard back so quickly! :slight_smile:

D just received her first acceptance- Coastal Carolina.


La Salle is a school with a mix of lower stat students and high stat students and it’s designed for a top notch education. It would be a good bet for someone who finally wants to work but doesn’t have superb stats.

Other schools to consider –

(hopefully none of these have been mentioned up thread!)

These are 1) affordable (give good FA); 2) have solid reputations; 3) histories; 4) pretty campuses; 5) largely secular with maybe some lingering religion.

Augustana in Illinois – https://www.augustana.edu/
Monmouth College in Illinois – https://ou.monmouthcollege.edu/default.aspx
Drew University – https://www.drew.edu/1/
Fairleigh Dickinson in NJ – http://view2.fdu.edu/campuses-and-centers/florham-campus/
Austin in TX – https://www.austincollege.edu/
University of the Pacific, in CA – https://www.pacific.edu/
The CUNYs do have some residence halls and should be considered by some people. Brooklyn College has great writing programs and music, for example. Queens has great music programs. City College has engineering, etc. They are not residential colleges per se, but they offer a lot – from low tuition, to good acceptance rates, to internships in NYC, and other opportunities. http://www2.cuny.edu/admissions/undergraduate/explore/programs/

For tech:

  • Capitol Technology University outside of DC – https://www.captechu.edu/
  • U of Maine at Orono has been mentioned up thread but it’s important to note that it has a LOT of ABET-accredited engineering programs. And it has matching in-state tuition program for TRANSFERS TOO.
  • University of the Pacific has good tech programs too and with coops. Drexel-interested people should look there as well.

I am glad this thread exists! Things have changed so much. I got a lot of B’s a few C’s and even flunked Algebra II and still got into a top 20 national liberal arts college back in the day. If you go by recommendations at CC, there is no place in college or employment for a B student which is completely not the case. Drexel, which is an attractive school for a lot of kids, is explicit about being a school “for B students”. They say that if you go on their admissions tour. And there are many other colleges that are similar…

Well, the first semester is over, and my daughter has been home from Plymouth State for about 2 weeks. I figured this was a good time for an update.

She LOVES it. She can’t WAIT to get back to school!!!

She’s made a great group of friends. She had a couple of bumps along the way-- the first roommate situation did NOT work out and she switched. She pledged for a sorority but realized that the hours they wanted was causing issues with her anxiety-- no bullying or hazing or anything of the sort, but she’s a kid who needs her down time and they wanted more of her time than she was comfortable with-- so she quit. And one of her closest friends from last semester is leaving school to live at home and commute to different school for personal reasons. Oh, and on the academic front, let’s just say the first semester was all about adjusting and we can expect her grades to improve.

But she just loves Plymouth!!! She loves the area, the people, the atmosphere, everything about the school. It was without a doubt the right choice for her.

@bjkmom - I was thinking about you guys the other day - so happy that it all worked out! Thanks for the update :slight_smile: