Time for another thread for B and C students

@bjkmom I’m so glad your DD loves her school! I remember the ups and downs of her college admissions journey and I’m so glad that she is happy with where she is. As for her grades…they will come up. It’s a hard adjustment but once they get she gets into a rhythm, I’m sure she will do great. Congrats to you and DD!

How about the other families here— any other updates?

Wonderful that the transition went well. As for grades… as long as she hasn’t dug herself into a sub-2.0 GPA, she’s okay. :slight_smile:

@bjkmom - It’s great to hear that your D is enjoying school and doing well enough. It’s also great that she has stepped out of her comfort zone, tried new things and had the strength to cut back on what didn’t work.

As for our update - the change in major I mentioned above worked out well. S17 dropped the artsy class that he was barely passing and wound up with a GPA high enough to make Dean’s List for the first time. He’s taking an online class this break to catch up in his new minor (psych) and make up for the class he dropped.

Oh, and since you are a math teacher, you may appreciate this. S17, who’s dyscalculic, took his math gen ed at NCC last summer. He selected a section with less than 10 students in it and had a great time. He liked the teacher, aced the class with no tutoring or outside help and announced to me that: “I actually think that math might not be so bad after all.” Unfortunately, that moment came AFTER he was in college.

My D is a 3.4 uw, maybe 3.7 weighted with 1160 SAT, decent EC.
She got into the following schools so far:
University of Denver
Western Washington (with small in state scholarship)
Drexel ($13k merit scholarship)
Manhattan College ($25k scholarship)
Ohio Wesleyan ($30k scholarship with invite to scholarship competition where it could be more)
San Diego St.

She was deferred at Point Loma and Vermont.

Has not heard from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Univ of San Diego.

There are scholarships out there for good but not incredible students!!

Congrats @Sue22

@bjkmom I’m thrilled to hear your daughter is happy! Your saga kept me sane for a while there, so I feel very invested in her happiness - LOL.

I actually looked up Plymouth State based on your feedback and was thinking about mentioning it to my son, but he got a bit overwhelmed in November.

@bjkmom Glad you are having a good experience with Plymouth State. I started my early career in that area living in Holderness right near the prep school and outdoor hockey rink. Loved the Common Man restaurant, if it’s still there. Exit 25 and 26 93N brings back fond memories.

Congrats to your daughter @JBSeattle . I don’t think Drexel gives out a lot of merit. She is right in their target demographic.

Manhattan looks like the leader out of the gate but she has to visit these schools and find out two results in Marchish.

@techmom , could you let me know who the teacher was? My son has to take a math class at NCC, and hates math.

@privatebanker Yes, it’s still there. We ate dinner there when we dropped her off in August. And loved it.

My son had a good first semester. His grades were fine, not spectacular but good. It was a tough adjustment at first, and the demands of his Art classes were intense. It definitely took him a while to get into a rhythm with the Art classes. He made the right call to attend a four year university with a strong Art program rather than an Art school, as he is quite the sports junkie and frequently attends various sporting events. I think things will get better next semester, as the art classes he will take play more into his strengths. VCU Arts is no joke, that’s for sure!

@bjkmom - Did you get the message I sent with the prof’s name?

@techmom No, I didn’t. Could you resend?

@bjkmom I’m glad your daughter is enjoying her experience at Plymouth State. My daughter who is a junior is considering Plymouth and Keene State asalong with a whole bunch of other schools. There’s not a whole lot written about either of those NH schools so you are a really valuable resource. I hope you continue to report on her progress as her freshman year progresses.

@charliecooper20 Feel free to ask anything you want to know about Plymouth. I’m so thrilled with the changes I’ve seen in my daughter… I’ll happily sing their praises from the rooftops!

Thanks for that…I’m sure I’ll be checking in with you as we get closer to application time…One question for you…did you consider Keene State and/or UNH also?

Sorry, somehow I missed this. No, I’m not sure why but Plymouth was the only NH school she considered. The vast majority of schools she looked at were in NY, with one or two in PA and CT.

2.9 GPA (W/UW virtually the same), sharply rising. Terrible sophomore year filled with C’s and a D. Strong 2nd half of Jr. year and first half of Sr. year.
24 ACT, uneven subscores.
Strong EC’s, but not OMG strong. Not a recruited athlete.
Very honest essay that could have gone either way. (About her LD.)
Well liked by her teachers, probably a strong GC letter with reason for terrible Soph. year.
Full pay.

So far no rejections.
Yeses from:
Coastal Carolina
High Point