Time for another thread for B and C students

Congrats @Sue22 ! That second acceptance is so wonderful— it means they’ll have a choice. After that, it’s all gravy.

It looks like she did a great job of targeting the right schools!!!

I’m very happy for her. Her reaches are all yet to come but it’s great to know she has good. solid choices. Hoping everyone else is getting good news.

@Sue22. A big congratulations! My daughter is a junior in college and had similar stats for various reasons in high school… Once college started she was on the deans list through out her time at her first LAC. She transferred to LAC 2 since the first one couldn’t support her changing major. The second LAC gave her a $30,000 presidential merit scholarship. We were floored. She was just asked to present her study abroad research to two professional associations that the school help secure and she was just accepted to. All she talks about is going on to get a PhD and wants to apply for the Fulbright scholarship.

She is like me. I didn’t excel till I got to college.

Being in the right college for your child can make all the difference.) :

Daughter’s final list-

YES - Auburn, Coastal Carolina, College of Charleston, Furman, Georgia State, High Point, U New Hampshire
WL - U South Carolina

Final Decision - Will attend Auburn!

Any other student decisions to report?

Accepted at Appalachian State, College of Charleston, Clemson Bridge, Flagler College ( Honors) USC Upstate, Winthrop and Wofford. (7of7)
He will attend CofC.

YAY! !Congrats to both of you and your kids!!

@carolinamom2boys. CofC was a very strong contender for my daughter. I think it’s a great school!

Thanks @bjkmom and @Sue22 . He has a very specific major that he’s interested in . It was a close race between Flagler College and CofC, but Flagler did not have Historic Preservation and Community Planning. It will be nice to have both of my sons in the same place. My oldest will be a Senior.

Final update for my kiddo. Quick recap: S is total C+/B- student. Math/Science classes were Cs, Ds, and a F. History and English were Bs and As. SAT 1040. Very athletic. Played sports Fall/Spring all 4 years and club sports in Fall & Summer. Worked part-time senior year.

SUNY Brockport
SUNY Plattsburgh
St. Bonaventure
Allegheny College
Roger Williams Univ.
St. John’s Univ.
Sacred Heart

U of Scranton

Syracuse (long shot, but wanted to try)
SUNY Oneonta
SUNY Oswego
St. Joseph’s U in Philly
St. Anselm

I listed the Accepted schools in order of affordability. He actually got quite a few merit grants that brought 1/2 the accepted schools down to between $25K to $34K.

Right now he is trying to make his final choice, but we think he has some wonderful options! Thanks for all the support from everyone on the board!

Our results:

ACT took 3 times = 24, 25 (superscored to 26) and 27 December of senior yr
GPA = 2.9 as of end of 11th grade; 3.01 mid-senior yr

all schools applied to early and were either EA or rolling admissions
not all schools were sent the GPA and ACT updates
DD was split between wanting an Interior Design major or major in something to get into museumology/non-profits

University of Alabama
Iowa State (Interior Design)
Indiana University of PA (in-state and for Interior design)
Kutztown (in-state)
Columbia College of Chicago (Interior Design) with good merit
Evergreen State -with good merit
Roanoke College (really good merit)
University of Lynchburg (really good merit)
Ursinus College - excellent merit


Seattle University - Deferred EA then WL regular round at

@nymom1619 congrats!! I am happy to see Quinnipiac and Manhattan as acceptances as my son has those on his list. What major is your son looking at?

@taverngirl Thank you! My son applied to Q for Political Science, and to Manhattan for Business. These 2 schools gave us “Ok” merit, but not enough for them to be in his final 3. He was first waitlisted at Q, but we responded right away to confirm that he wanted to be on the list. Then, within 2 weeks he was accepted. Manhattan accepted his straight away.

Good luck to your son!

I found this thread so helpful last year when helping my B and C student twins research colleges, so I wanted to chime in on their results to help future researchers.

One of my sons has a 77ish GPA/ 950 SAT, wants to major in phys.ed. He was very involved in high school extra curriculars; lots of sports and part time jobs.

He was accepted at:
Canisius College (but they wouldn’t let him into the major he wanted)
SUNY Delhi
Bowling Green State University
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford

He was denied at Roberts Wesleyan

And SUNY Brockport offered him a guaranteed transfer option for his sophomore year if he goes to a community college and earns a 2.5 gpa. The SUNY Brockport offer is the one he wants to take (yay, cheaper for me!)

My other son has a 82ish GPA/1040 SAT. He wants to major in Fashion. He also had a very active extra curricular life in HS including lots of sports.
He was accepted at every school he applied to:

Buffalo State
Kent State (not admitted directly into his major due to stats, but a pre-admit)
Bowling Green State
LIM College

Fashion Institute of Technology!!! (which is his dream school and where he committed).

I’m very pleased. I feel like they both landed where they were supposed to.

How wonderful @JoyG ! It sounds as though each of your sons has found the right path!

And, PS: Congrats in particular on the acceptance to FIT!!! One of my seniors got in, but I’m aware of at least 2 others who really REALLY wanted it, but were wait listed.

@JoyG, congrats to your twins! My son is applying to FIT next year so this is great to hear.

Well, freshman year of college is over. We drove up and picked her up at Plymouth yesterday.

While there were a few bumps along the way, overall it was a wonderfully exciting year full of growth. She learned (the hard way) that there’s a difference between being in class and being an active, full participant. She fully expects her GPA to make a huge rebound from December’s numbers. She changed her major. She made a wonderful group of friends, as evidenced by yesterday’s tearful goodbyes. She managed to get to the nearby ER for both an ankle sprain and bronchitis, and to get one of her friends there for I forget what. And each time, all she asked of me was a copy of the insurance card. She did laundry, she managed to find her way home from NH several times, she managed her debit card and she neither starved nor gained a whole lot of weight.

In short, and amazingly successful year.

@bjkmom - I have followed your D’s journey and am so happy that she had a good year!

@bjkmom That’s great! Freshman year is always an eye-opening experience.Sounds like she learned a lot and had a successful year. I remember her journey during the admission process and I’m so glad to hear that she’s happy at Plymouth. Congrats and happy mom’s day!

It may be time for gentle bump for the class of 2020.

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Agreed! :slight_smile: