Time for another thread for B and C students

She would probably get into UNLV (Las Vegas’) school of hospitality but it’s awfully far away.
But it’s true Oneonta was probably the best deal for her. :frowning:

@bjkmom – has she looked at Flagler College?

Both UNLV and Flagler are pretty far from home… she’s hoping for something within a few hours of our Long Island home.

Run the NPCs and if they’re affordable bring it up. I agree they’re far away :frowning:
UNLV is good for that specific major and relatively easy to get into (that’s basically the only “good” major they have but for that they’re very very good); Flagler is realtively cheap.
Closer to LI I think NJ decided Hospitality would be Stockton’s “flagship program”, in relation with the Atlantic City tourism and entertainment industries. Costs may be an issue though.

A family friend was a solid C student with a few failed classes. She upped her GPA to a B senior year by taking all light electives. She goes to a small Catholic college in NY with a small merit scholarship and her advising is great. She currently has about a 3.3. Her advisor will text and call her even in off hours to help her with scheduling and they have great pre requisite classes for kids that didn’t make it to pre calc or college level english their senior year. Many schools are geared toward the B and C students and help get them to the college level. Going to a small, non-competitive private high school, I saw a lot of these, but you don’t really see them on CC.

Also, community college is great for NY kids who didn’t make the cut for for their SUNY of choice. I know Binghamton has an automatic admit program if you maintain a high GPA.

Does Oneonta have such a program at a CC with dorms?

@bjkmom, Sorry she didn’t get her #1. Resilience is a fantastic trait. B/C kids have it in spades!

She’s adamant that she doesn’t want 2 years at a CC, then to transfer to another school-- though CC’s upstate were her safeties. (To the best of my knowledge, Oneonta doesn’t have that sort of agreement with any CC’s.) She wants to go-- and stay-- at a school that “wants her”-- as opposed to a school with open enrollment. The fact that she already has an acceptance from Morrisville means that’s a possiblity, no matter what else comes in.

So she (OK, “we”) applied last night to Buffalo state and Montclair state. And she’s still waiting on SUNY Delhi, Salem (MA) State and East Stroudsberg (PA) State Univ. We’ll see how the chips fall.

I’ll look at Stockton, and maybe have her apply to UNLV and/or Flagler over the weekend-- maybe earlier if this snowstorm gives us a day off :wink:

Thanks for the support. She’ll be OK; she’s not the first or the last kid not to make her #1 choice. (Though maybe the first at CC to admit it, lol.)

I know this is absolutely unkind, but some real drama broke yesterday at her school. So there’s something at school to think about beyond her pity party.

She’ll get into East Stroudsburg for sure. She can apply to other PASSHE, too - Bloomsburg and Millersville would admit her and are good for business-related majors, West Chester is dicier but it’s very good.

Thanks! I’ll have her take a look.

I guess the point… for her and for other kids on this thread-- is this: there ARE options!!!

@bjkmom just an FYI that when my son applied to Flagler this year, they had him revise his grades to fit their grading scale so that everybody was evaluated the same (you self report your grades for Flagler). At his HS, a 93-100 is an A, an 86 - 92 is a B, etc. They had him recalculate his grades so that a 90 - 100 was an A, an 80 - 89 was a B, etc.

Not only did he get in, but he was awarded scholarship money which we were not expecting from anywhere because of his stats. It may be far away from you, but it may be a good option both academically and financially. And just as an aside, St. Augustine is a beautiful, magical city.


Thank you!

@bjkmom did she look at Ramapo? Another NJ state school, but literally on the NY border - maybe they even offer a break for NY residents??? Beautiful campus, always voted best dorms in NJ. Millersville, BTW, all brand new awesome dorms!!! Most rooms have their own bathroom, or a Jack & Jill with one other room. OOS I think it is pushing $40k but my son did get more merit than we expected, and he’s not a high stats kid. Good luck!

Well, it was basically a 24 hour pity party, then I had my daughter back.

A condolence call from her uncle-- who, incidentally also didn’t make Oneonta as a kid but went to another SUNY, met his wife there and is now a very successful lawyer— certainly helped. As did the pep talks from the 2 teachers she mentioned it to. Funny, we sometimes underestimate the importance of those teacher-kid relationships.

By yesterday afternoon she was cheerful, anticipating a snow day, going out for storm munchies and generally her normal self. We had a few “bloom where you’re planted” talks, along with a reminder that we believe that God pretty much puts you where you’re meant to be.

Thanks, one and all, for the help. Not sure yet where she’ll end up, but she knows she’ll land on her feet.

You’ve got a great kid, there! Well done, @bjkmom!


My kids aren’t at the top of anyone’s Honor Roll lists, but they’re great kids. I’m so very lucky.

So at this point, it’s pretty much narrowed down to SUNY Delhi, Buffalo State and Southern Conn… that last one was a post-Christmas whim that suddenly has her interested. No results yet. But she’s in to the others. I’m thinking that maybe we’ll visit Buffalo State during the upcoming February Break week off.

@bjkmom: what criteria is she using to decide?

@bjkmom -

Just saw your update. I don’t know if it’s too late, but have you considered the hospitality program at Plattsburgh. My D went there for education but her co-goalie on the field hockey team went there for hospitality. She loved the program and is working in her field. The school also has a good nutrition program (D’ freshman roommate was in that one and got into a good grad school for her R.D. degree). The school itself is no further than Buffalo State and the area is a lot nicer (S17 is at Fredonia, which is 45 minutes outside of Buffalo). I wish S17 had considered Plattsburgh, but its theater program is not as good as that at Fred. My middle son also went to Plattsburgh and he loved the area as well.

By the way, my D got into Oneonta off the waitlist and opted against it. Plattsburgh is a much prettier school and she liked it much better.

I think at this point she’s done applying. But I’ll take a look later. Thanks.