Time for another thread for B and C students

@bjkmom I’m so happy for your DD! What a relief it must be to know you have a good option if Southern Conn doesn’t work out. Let’s hope all decisions, regardless of outcome, are received within the next week or two. I’m sure everyone on this board would like to pick a school and move forward.

Amen to that!!

DS was accepted to VCU Arts today! This is a big deal for us, as it’s a great four-year college and has the Number 2 Art School in the country. I wasn’t sure that he would get into it because it’s quite competitive. We are going to check it out next week.

YAY @sbgal2011 !

Congratulations to your son @sbgal2011. Such exciting news for him (and you!) and it sounds like a great option for him.

sbgal2011 CONGRATS! its a great school and terrific artsy town. D attends right now as soph graphic design major
top public and #2 grad in the ENTIRE united states of America!

I had a great chat with my daughter today…

Mom, even if I don’t get into Southern Conn, I think I could be really happy at Plymouth. I’ve been chatting with a bunch of the other kids who are going there, and they seem really nice. I think I’ve found my people there.

Ahhhhhhhhh… what a huge relief. If she doesn’t get into Southern, she has another choice she loves, with great people, a great program and carpool possibilities.

Thanks, God. I owe you one.

Man, I wish Southern Conn would simply get back to her. Whether it’s an acceptance or a rejection, enough already. Not knowing is making her a nervous wreck.

She’ll be thrilled to go to Plymouth. She has new online friends at both schools.

But she wants to be settled already.

After all the work to complete apps, who’d think waiting would be the hardest?

Agreed. By now the schools should know whether or not they will accept somebody. Just posted on the portal and be done with it! Especially the schools with rolling admissions

Finally heard from the last school - LSU - which had requested mid-term grades, essays, and recommendations. Accepted! I believe his strong senior fall semester grades pushed him over the edge.

So, for the record, DS was accepted at ALL 11 colleges and universities to which he applied! Entering his senior year, DS had a 2.89 GPA. After the fall semester, it increased to a 2.99. His SAT was 1000 composite, 1040 super score. To recap, here is the list of schools that accepted him: (The (*) indicates schools that offered him merit scholarships.)

University of Alabama University of South Alabama University of Southern Mississippi
University of Mississippi University of Kentucky Eastern Kentucky University*
East Carolina University Kent State University* Savannah College of Art and Design*
Louisiana State University Virginia Commonwealth University-VCU Arts

He applied to 11 schools because we wanted him to have at least 5 or 6 options. We never dreamed he would get into all of them. Just goes to show that there are plenty of great options for the B/C student!

That is wonderful @sbgal2011!!! Good for your DS!!

@sbgal2011 Congrats on the great news. We are considering many of the same schools for DD who has similar stats.

Such great news and a wonderful ending @sbgal2011. I am so glad he ended up with so many great options and I am excited to see where he ends up! I have enjoyed reading your journey with him.


On a whim I emailed the admissions counselor at Plymouth with a question.

It turns out that her admissions/housing deposit is refundable up until May 1st.

So I think it will go out tonight. The earlier it’s in, the more of a choice she’ll have as to dorms. And if she decides on Southern Connecticut-- who STILL hasn’t decided whether or not to accept her-- then there’s nothing lost.

I wish I had asked earlier. I think she’ll rest easier if Southern Conn doesn’t accept her, knowing she’s already set at Plymouth. And the longer it takes Southern Conn to get back to her, the more I’m loving Plymouth. The ONLY real downside is that 5 hour drive. But she’s met 5 other girls from Long Island on the group chat, so she’s already made some friends to carpool with.

Sounds great. Has she chosen her dorm yet? If there are LLC’s, I strongly recommend them. They allow friendships to form on common interests and, often, common classes (makes a study group more fun and transition less difficult).

No; she’s still in the process of meeting potential roommates on the group chat. I think that, right now at least, that’s a higher priority than the actual dorm location. Her brother was in an LLC last year at Neumann, and I think that, if they exist at the college she ends up in, that will be an easy sell.

But first we’ve got to hear from Southern Conn. Their portal says they’ve had all her info for some time now.

Well, she checked the portal again late last night after work, and it wasn’t good. Southern Conn is a no-go.

She was pretty upset… she feels like she’s been beaten up this admissions season. And she hates the fact that it took them exactly 2 months to reject her. And that her email to the adcom went unanswered.

She’ll bounce back, and at least now she knows her status. Once she gets over yet another disappointment, we can start to talk about her choices.

That 5 hour drive to Plymouth was an issue last night; it may be far less so today. Especially if I show her how far some of her classmates are traveling to some of the SUNY campuses, or even how far her safety CC’s were.

But I’ll wait till she gets over the disappointment. She’s VERY easy to read… lots of highs and lows. I’ll know when she’s ready to move forward.

So her options are:
Nassau CC, live at home
CC’s: Herkimer, T3C (Tompkins-Cortland) She’s not thrilled with a CC and the need to transfer later.
SUNY Delhi - great program, very isolated campus.
SUNY Morrisville- lots of “horse people” based on the group chat. She’s a “mall person” or a “Let’s go out for apps” person. It doesn’t seem like a great fit.
SUNY Buffalo State. 8 hours away. Lake Effect Snow. Other than that, probably a good fit.
Plymouth State NH. 5 hours away. Lovely people. Meeting friends on the group chat, including 5 from LI. Obviously, this is where I see her going.

Oops, too late to edit. She emailed the adcom a week or two ago-- not last night-- to ask for a timeline on admissions.

I didn’t want her to look like a crazy stalker, emailing him in the middle of the night after a rejection, lol.