Time for something more uplifting

<p>We’ve been dwelling (with justification) on the recent fraternity and sorority news but I think it may be providing a skewed view of UA, especially for those of us who are new parents. I found this video producer, Xay90, who provides an insight into the AA Greek life at UA. I found one of his comments encouraging: “UA has it’s good and bad people like anywhere else. Have I faced racism at the school. Yes, but it’s from a small select amount of people. I’d be lying if I tried to say the entire school (or moreso the body of students) are prejudice. They aren’t. UA has great people who go there.”</p>

<p>Here’s one of his videos. I think it would be hard to watch it without feeling admiration for these fine young people.</p>

<p>[Graduation</a> At The University of Alabama - YouTube](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMiDXcOf0v0]Graduation”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMiDXcOf0v0)</p>

<p>Thanks AlbionGirl. There are many wonderful things about UA.</p>

<p>Very cool!</p>

<p>And that warrants a hearty ROLL TIDE ROLL !!</p>