Time Management Help

My son needs help with time management. I worry that he will procrastinate and not succeed at BS because he will find many distractions. He loves using his iPhone for all its non-phone functions. Can I use this powerful force for good?

I came across this app - Timeful (http://www.timeful.com/). Anything else out there like this.

I worry that his BS experience will be eroded by instagram, candy crush, and iFunny.

You’re worrying too much. Relax. The culture and demands of school will prevent too much time wasting.

Maybe Peddie is the school over Exeter. :wink: All joking aside, there are many distractions at boarding school when you are living with 30 friends.


There really isn’t time for distractions.

That said, weekends are quite full of them. I binge watch the episodes I missed during the week - a ridiculous amount of TV shows. Lots of people nap and visit the surrounding town.

You need a magic wand to cure teen problems? I wish you luck.

@mrnephew …you should know I watched suits because of you :wink:

Great!! What’d you think?

I liked it but I got distracted second season… perhaps its time to go see what Harvey is up to. I’m also a few years behind on Scandal.

I am with you on this @heartburner I am not sure how much time other teens are spending on the non-productive use of the technology…but I do have to regulate it with my son.

Underclassmen usually have mandatory study hall periods in the dorms in the evening. No phone usage allowed and enforced quiet.

Lots of schools do, but Exeter has no mandatory study hall for any grade. There are study hours in the dorm, but kids frequently study together, so no enforced quiet either–or restrictions against using phones… Self-discipline is essential.

I think Exeter made first term pass/fail just for this reason (pass/fail on the transcript, students are told in confidence what their grades are). If you’ve gotten in, you can certainly do the work.

But first time away from home with fascinating new friends can impact getting the work done. And there is a lot of work plus sports, clubs, community service, dorm events, advisor meetings, etc. Time management is essential.

My Ds roommate socialized through study hours, started homework late and didn’t finish, slept in from exhaustion and got D grades first term (this was before they started pass/fail) and went on academic probation. Pretty strong wake up call. She’s now a top student. Some have to learn the hard way, and there is a lot of support for them - advisors, tutors, time management class, and probably most important, watching how their peers do it.

Mandatory study hall isn’t really enforced… We can do anything in our rooms as long as the dutymasters don’t find out. The disciplined ones use it the way it was intended, others don’t.