time management tips?

<p>first off, telling me to get off CC isn't going to help, b/c i'm on it after i've done some work. (break time). </p>

<p>i've always had trouble managing time well. and thus it affects the time i get to sleep, and that makes me tired and less effective in paying attention in class, and makes me slow overall, and circles. i'm normally a pretty slow person. i like taking my time to do things, but when i realize i haven't even started my hw yet, 3 hours have gone by. and then it takes only about an hour and a half to do it. well, most of the time that has passed are necessary. such as transportation (easily taking up half an hour up to an hour and a half), showering and eating dinner (1 hr total), taking my dogs out, feeding and giving them treats (30 min. - 45 min.), and at the least, 2 hours have gone by. i know some people who can eat and study at the same time, but i'm not one of them. i'm one of those people who can't really multi-task and can only do one thing at a time. well, i heard multi-tasking isn't too good anyway. but i have a lot of things going on this quarter (4 class - a full load, a part time job, 2 internships, 2 dogs to groom and care for, and about 16 books to read, two of those being text books). what i'm doing is actually pretty exciting, i love it, but i feel like i can't enjoy it as much when i'm so tired and always lacking sleep. just need some ideas on what i can do to save some time to add to my sleep. thanks.</p>

<p>While I understand that being slow is just a quality some people have, you will have to get over it if you don’t want to crumple under this schedule. Check out Newport’s site (he’s the author of ‘How to Win at College’ and ‘How to Become a Straight-A Student’): [Study</a> Hacks](<a href=“http://www.calnewport.com/blog/]Study”>Study Hacks - Decoding Patterns of Success - Cal Newport)</p>

<p>No schedule in the world is going to help you if you take an hour to eat dinner and shower or if you don’t do anything to fill the ‘dead time’ in your day (such as taking transportation) with studying and other stuff you would otherwise do later.</p>

<p>read the book “Getting Things Done” which is the classic book on how to organize your life</p>

<p>You have to do things in your schedule with a focused mindset ie what you need to do specifically and how to do it. If you go in w/o a plan, then you’re doomed.</p>