Time Sensitive-!

<p>I'm in the process of finalizing my schedule for spring and am trying to take a rigorous courseload. I'm wondering if there is any real difference between taking a 200 level class and a 300 level class in terms of demonstrating the rigor of your classes? Especially when trying to transfer to a highly selective school.</p>

<p>300 level classes might jeapordize ur chances of admission...
remember that overqualification might eventuate in rejection!</p>

<p>I see from another thread that you are currently a freshman, so I don't think the level of class will make much difference as they don't expect you to be taking upper level classes. I would recommend taking the class that you are most interested in and feel you can do well in.</p>

<p>I definitely do NOT believe that there is any problem with overqualification leading to rejection if you chose to take the 300 level class.</p>

<p>I agree with entomom. And for what it's worth, I really think adcoms have the sense enough to see what is going on. For example, if a freshman wants to challenge himself by taking a 300 level course & gets a B ... I really don't think this will result in the rejection pile. I know this is hard to believe for some of you, but I don't even think a B in a 100 class will result in a rejection. The world doesn't expect the perfection some of you think it does!</p>