<p>OK, as an FSU alumnus I have had enough. </p>
<p>FSU football player Preston Parker was just arrested for the THIRD time (the second arrest in a year). I have patience for kids from poor areas who may have lots of issues to overcome and are fortunate to gain a free university education. But blow that HUGE opportunity more than once and enough is enough. </p>
<p>TWO strikes are you are off the team and out of the university, I'd say. Thousands of talented students get turned down every year for admission they'd gladly pay for and this kid blows it repeatedly.</p>
<p>Goodbye and good luck Mr. Parker. :(</p>
<p>Bobby Bowden runs a loose ship. He’s soft in his old age.</p>
<p>From the Tallahassee Democrat:
“Preston Parker has been dismissed from the Florida State football team due to his latest violation of team policy,” head coach Bobby Bowden said.</p>
<p>Sad…but necessary.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, he did not lose his scholarship. Why wasn’t he removed from the university all together?</p>
<p>Yeah, I think if he was booted from the team, he should have been dismissed from the University and had his scholarship taken away too.</p>
<p>Looks like another year of football failure :(</p>
<p>Actually< I think this year will be a good one. Last year was an improvement and PP hardly contributed at all. Not having PP on the team will create opportunities for other players.</p>
<p>FSU had one of the best recruiting classes in the nation this year and I would expect 10- win season which would be the best performance in 6 years.</p>
<p>Preston is NOT returning to the U next year, and I would be surprised if he actually completes this semester.</p>
<p>It is sad and a waste. Such an opportunity squandered.</p>