<p>smart newbyborn,
you lead everyone else to withdraw their Waitlists and your suddenly the only one left with a wailist application...</p>
<p>hmmmm WashU aint the only one with diabolical plans eh? lol</p>
<p>smart newbyborn,
you lead everyone else to withdraw their Waitlists and your suddenly the only one left with a wailist application...</p>
<p>hmmmm WashU aint the only one with diabolical plans eh? lol</p>
<p>i sent back my card...</p>
<p>...but looking at everyone's stats, i feel REALLY underqualified. I have a huge load of ECs, and really great grades, but not the test scores. i have a 31 on the ACT, but no SAT stuff. (From the midwest, and most of us dont do that kind of thing ;). ) Still, i'll be optimistic and hope for the best i guess, as washu is MY number 1, cause it fricken rocks there!</p>
A lot of international students are waitlisted, esp those who applied for aid. Apparently, washU doesn't reward aid for those accepted off the waitlisted. What a way to save!</p>
<p>This is a general response to everyone posting about washU's waitlist policy.</p>
<p>First, check out these three sources:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.studentsreview.com/gettingin.php3?ST=MO&SH=WAU%5B/url%5D">http://www.studentsreview.com/gettingin.php3?ST=MO&SH=WAU</a>
<a href="http://www.studlife.com/global_user_elements/printpage.cfm?storyid=408903%5B/url%5D">http://www.studlife.com/global_user_elements/printpage.cfm?storyid=408903</a>
<a href="http://www.collegeconfidential.com/dean/archives/000053.htm%5B/url%5D">http://www.collegeconfidential.com/dean/archives/000053.htm</a></p>
<p>Given that most of you have already seen some, if not all of these sources, I'm not going to discuss them here.</p>
<p>It is clear that some people who were "overqualified" got accepted, and some people who were "overqualified" got waitlisted. Those in the middle got accepted for the most part, and those who were underqualified got waitlisted as well. The "extremely overqualified" were accepted for the most part, because what school doesn't want awesome students. Just because some people with exceptional scores got in does not make all this a conspiracy theory. I hate conspiracy theories.</p>
<p>All students who are applying to WashU should have some logic, so I think that you can understand that "Many students who are overqualified got waitlisted" is not refuted by "My friend is overqualified and did not get waitlisted" or "I am underqualified and got waitlisted."</p>
<p>We simply cannot know the whole truth, but it seems likely that those who were mildly overqualified and did not express genuine interest or have a hook factor were waitlisted.</p>
<p>To all those who are responding with anger, don't. I can't be upset even if I expected to get in, because not only is WashU a competitive school, but I didn't express my interest properly. Instead of getting off the waitlist, I promptly sent back my card. Just because they might think I'm overqualified doesn't mean my reach schools will agree.</p>
<p>On second thought, get angry. Don't send back your cards. That will improve my chances of getting in!</p>
interesting. maybe that is the reason.
but i hear a lot of tycoons donate their money at WashU. They shouldn't be so stingy!</p>
<p>plus. the exchange rate between US$ and Chinese yuan puts us in adversity. think about 1$=8.28yuan! that means 10,0000yuan = only about $12,000. It is not at all possible to apply without aid.:)</p>
<p>tell hyp and georgetown, amherst, etc... not to be so stingy too</p>