Timing of app. and test scores?

<p>Oh, yeah, his GC would know! I know the man personally - our daughters (both memorable students in their own right) were in the same high school class. There are five GC who follow the kids from freshman year through graduation. He definitely knows my son and the GC office very carefully follows all students and their college app process. This is a school where 100% of the class of 280 go to college - many to very selective programs and most with academic scholarships. The GC office is knowledgable and hands-on. I’m not going to rock the boat on this one, even though I want to apply right now! We will be applying in late August to all the schools in which my son is interested. Sigh. That makes my life tougher, because, as a teacher, my son and I are both much more free in the summer!</p>


<p>Not sure what you’re saying. Yes, your GC knows your child, but he won’t know when your child applies. Bama doesn’t tell GCs when a student applies.</p>

<p>That said, if the app has a “save” option, the app can be done in July and submitted later if you’re that worried.</p>

<p>If this was Harvard I would possibly do as the GC says but this is Bama your admittance is based on scores and grades, fairly concrete, your GC has little impact. Same with scholarships, it is firm input from GC won’t matter. I would apply now, so you can focus on apps that might be impacted by your GC in the Fall.</p>

<p>My son’s GC just earned a promotion, so she will be leaving his school for another in our county. That said, he is very glad that he has made friends with our college/career counselor, because she will handle his recommendations. Oh, and she’s a Bama graduate, so I know his transcript will go in the mail after he applies. He will apply sometime this summer, but plans to retake the SAT in October to try for the Presidential.</p>

<p>Yeehaw! My D got a 32 on the June ACT! (If you haven’t received your score yet…look up the thread called “Get Your ACT scores now!”)</p>

<p>I think she has (had?) decided on MSU - but this is going to make her decision a bit more difficult. I am guessing we will get another trip to T-Town for a second look…yea!</p>

<p>Excellent news, RTRMom2 - congratulations to your D where ever she ends up, and isn’t it great she can give Bama a serious second look.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Congrats, RTRMom2! I am jealous. We tried to locate my daughter’s scores, but couldn’t. Maybe it is because she took the writing section… Anyhow, congrats on the 32, and enjoy your trip to T-town! :)</p>

<p>Reading through this thread, it sounds like it is okay for S to apply now, even though his counselor is out of the office for summer break and won’t be able to send his transcript until August… can someone please confirm? Also, should I let our area recruiter know when we turn in the application? Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, you can turn in your app now. If the test scores were not already sent you can request that now. Then when the gc’s get in he can request a transcript be sent. Get things out of the way now while they have the time. </p>

<p>You might check with the admin office for the school district and see if they can help in getting his transcript sent now. Some may, some may not. If his high school campus has summer school there could be a slight chance a gc is in the office and may feel inclined to help him and get it on the way to UA.</p>

<p>RTRMom - congrats to your daughter! </p>

<p>I, too, am jealous - my son’s scores went to “tested” status, but I have not gotten the backdoor to work yet! Phooey. I am not holding out a lot of hope on a good score, though. He, his friends and everyone I’ve talked too thought it was much more difficult than the April test. Did your daughter take the ACT previously? How did she think it compared?</p>

<p>She thought it was difficult. I don’t think she came out of it thinking she did particularly well. Her prior scores were 29 and 30.</p>

<p>On getting the score, I had to use Chrome…and I had to have an actual pdf of a previous score opened on my computer. (I clicked pdf link - left that opened, then went back to the prior window and pasted the link with the new id number.) I do think it takes longer (or doesn’t work at all) if there is a writing portion.</p>

<p>Good afternoon, I completed my application early last week (transcript and test scores sent), however I can not check the status of it because I am missing UA CWID. Does anyone know where I can find that piece of information and exactly what does that stand for? Any help will be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Pardon my ignorance…first time around on all of this. We did not request SAT scores be sent directly to any schools. When we print out the score from College Board I know that is not official score. Do we need to wait for them to come by mail or get it some other way in order to add to applications? He took the May SAT.<br>
Also, when he takes the test again in Ocotber…if score is better…can you resubmit?? Thank you!</p>

<p>You can order online to send scores to whatever schools you want (for a fee). You don’t have to wait for the physical paper copy. Log into your SAT account and there will info there on how to do this. If you know at the time of the test which schools you want to send your results to, a certain number (3 or 4) are sent for FREE. Kids should go into tests with a list of the ACT/SAT codes for the schools they want to receive the scores, or have these codes entered at time of test registration.</p>

<p>Congrats RTRMom2! My DD also thought the one she got the 32 on was the hardest and there was no way she “made it”! That was the April test. Fingers crossed for your son, MaryJay60. Daughterofaking, we are waiting for the CWID too. I am guessing they will send a conformation email to us once they “process” the application and that will have this CWID number in it. I am guessing it is a student number for you.</p>

<p>And tpcrd66, if you all didn’t send your son’s scores last time he took it, you can either log in to the Collegeboard site now and request they send them (at a fee), or wait until he takes it again and make that request while registering. They send all previous scores too.</p>

<p>Waiting though will delay his acceptance as they cannot make a decision without a score. If the October ones qualify him for a better scholarship, they will award it anyway. </p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Does that mean for each school he applies to, we pay Colleg Board to have the scores sent directly to the school and I assume following sending the application?</p>

<p>Yes, you pay for each score to be sent after the fact - that is why it is important to sign up to use the free ones at time of registration and/or taking the test each time!</p>

<p>Okay, S completed his application online, and I ordered his SAT scores to be sent to Alabama from College Board yesterday ($11) . He didn’t want to use the “free” option of having his scores sent without knowing how he did, which in retrospect is a bummer because he did really well. C’est la vie.</p>

<p>Now we just need his transcript sent in, which won’t be until August. I wish I had been more on top of the whole transcript thing, but the last month of school went by in a flash. Super excited to have the ball rolling!</p>

<p>Congrats westcoastmom! Looking forward to taking this journey with all of you over the next 12 months!</p>

<p>So just to confirm…now that ACT scores have come in…we can send application and scores and follow with transcript in the fall? Thanks!</p>