Timing of app. and test scores?

<p>The application may be completed now, and then the scores and transcript may be submitted later. Note that the GPA for scholarships includes only grades for classes completed in grades 9-11.</p>

<p>My son applied over the weekend, SAT & ACT scores are already there and his GC mailed his transcript today. Does anyone know how long after UA receives the transcript before he finds out a decision?</p>

<p>Dblele, last year the first applicants received word around 8/22. DD completed the application 2.5 weeks ago and it has yet to be processed. Last year apps were not available until after the 4th of July so I suspect that they released the application early this year but still won’t process them until later this month. I suspect it will still be the end of August before the kids hear. Good luck to your DS!</p>

<p>NC Mom, Thank you so much for the info! This has been my DS #1 choice since he was 10!</p>

<p>^That’s exciting! I discovered Bama on CC and figured just because I was interested, my DD wouldn’t be, but we visited last summer and she was sold. She will be paying her enrollment deposit the moment she is accepted!</p>

<p>Son just received his CWID late last night, one step closer to UA</p>

<p>DD got hers as well. It was after she figured out how to hack in with her SSN though! So exciting!</p>

<p>I got my CWID today as well! Super excited. Quick question about scores - I took the ACT twice. I submitted my first score (32) a while back, and my second score was the same (darn science section- ah well, as long as scholarship requirements remain the same I don’t mind), but my writing score was a 10 as opposed to an 8 the first time. Is this difference worth resending the score? Does the writing score actually count towards anything at Bama?</p>

<p>I received my CWID earlier this morning (NC Mom, 2am as well). Now just waiting for the acceptance letter to pay deposit fees.</p>

<p>My son is a rising senior from Texas. I’m trying to get him interested in Alabama but so far he shows little interest. I have convinced him to at least make a visit. He got a 33 on his ACT midway through his junior year so he will get some scholarship money for engineering. As of now his #1 is UT-Austin but getting into engineering at UT even with a 33 and a 3.9 GPA is tough. Maybe after the trip to T-Town he will become more interested. We have several kids from our high school that attend Alabama and like it. </p>

<p>My daughter started the University of Arkansas last year so they could have some fun family rivalry along with my oldest daughter who has already graduated from Texas A&M.</p>



<p>This was us too! D didn’t visit until January for Honors Day (or something like that…the actual name is escaping me) but that was all it took. Make sure you get his visit set up with the Honors College. M2CK usually weighs in with the details! </p>

<p>D was Top 10% (5% actually) but did not even apply at Texas or A&M because she wanted to go out of state. But we did see some interesting acceptances into the petroleum engineering program from her class. One Top 10% (and met the UT rate), NMF, did not get it so he went to A&M (where he’s quite happy) while another student who wasn’t Top 10 did get it. </p>

<p>Hope your S likes Alabama! Roll Tide!</p>