Timing of application and interview

<p>Are there any advantages/disadvantages in submitting the app and going through the interview early in the application season versus later? (The school d is applying to requires transcripts and teacher refs to include entire first term of current year, but the app/interview can happen any time.)</p>

<p>You may be surprised at how your views -- and your D's views -- evolve over the course of the application "season." Don't be surprised if schools that seem appealing this month are far down on your list later on as you -- and D -- acquire a keener sense of what you're seeking in a school and who she is as a student and as a person and what environments will make her blossom and thrive.</p>

<p>Plus, mental connections (more time thinking in the shower or staring out the window always helps) and additional reading (more chances for literary allusions) and an ever-maturing critical mind (more sophisticated articulation of concepts) may speak towards holding off on completing the application essays until later.</p>

<p>Buckling down to complete the essays, coupled with interviewing and possible days missed, may also become a distraction from school work and have a negative impact on grades.</p>

<p>I have no idea when the committees start looking at applications -- and whether there's an advantage in terms of having the application in prior to the deadline. I suspect that they don't really engage that process until after the deadline -- as it seems somewhat structured and there are so many distractions and last minute interviews in the days just prior to the deadline. Of course, reviewing a handful of applications they may be able to look at earlier -- say, during the holiday recess -- wouldn't seem worthwhile. So my GUESS is that they don't look at the applications and, therefore, there's no advantage to be gained. IF they do look at the applications earlier, I doubt that there's an advantage. If I ran an admission office I would try very hard to eliminate any non-merit advantage to certain applicants based on the timing of its submission. I'd rather take the more qualified applicant than a slightly lesser one who just happened to apply early. Right?</p>

<p>I guess you might say that I think it's healthy and wise to keep one's mind on the subject. Gather all the applications and type the essay questions into a single document to read and loosely ponder. Go ahead and complete the questionnaire sections. But I'd hold off -- where possible -- paying the fees and even designating the schools on the SSAT reporting until you're further into this process.</p>

<p>As for the interviews, I think that's more complicated. Just do what you can to help your D be as prepared as possible -- without getting her stressed out if she's prone to that -- so that she comes across as best she can. I think it's easier to put forth your best possible interview early in the season than it is to craft the best possible essay early in the season. I am SURE that you're better off scheduling the interviews as early as possible. At this time a year ago I found dates were getting scarce and the options were very limited and dictated my agenda. But if you can choose whether to interview in 2 weeks or 2 months, I'd say that just pick a date when she'll be prepared that fits your schedule.</p>

<p>Personally I think that going earlier is better then later, but thats just me. Interviews and tours have started here at St. Pauls and everywhere else, I believe they have also. However going this early means that you may get an inexperienced tour guide, or one that may not know as much about the school yet. Generally it is warmer at this time of year also, so girls in dresses is not a problem. Going in the next month also allows you see see how beautiful it is when the leaves are turning. Just some observations. Good luck!</p>