Timing of Early Decision notifications

<p>Does VT usually wait until 12/15 and post all ED decisions at once, or do they post them to applicants "pages" as the decisions are made? Does anyone know? (and has anyone learned their decision yet?)</p>

<p>In past years the decision has come out as early as the Friday evening before the posted date,after 5pm-all at one time. It will show up on the status application section.</p>

<p>so dec 9th?</p>

<p>Last years came out the Friday before, so i believe that’s when they’ll come put this year. I applied into the communication program. Fingers crossed and good luck everyone!</p>

<p>It’s confirmed. Early Decision notifications will be released on December 9th after 5pm!</p>

<p>Can you share your source of this confirmation? Thanks.</p>

<p>I keep hearing so many different dates on when the decision is coming out. Does anyone know the actual date??</p>

<p>It’s about 15 minutes after the above confirmed date/time…anyone seeing any notices from admissions yet? None here.</p>

<p>STill waiting too…</p>

<p>We are still waiting also.</p>

<p>I wonder if the shooting yesterday will delay the ED.</p>

<p>The admissions office said dec 12th before the shooting. Earlier in the week they said dec 9th</p>

<p>anyone heard anything?</p>

<p>no, still waiting…</p>

<p>If anyone wants to call:</p>

<p>Phone: 540-231-6267</p>

<p>Still waiting too, maybe they’re postponing it.</p>

<p>my mom talked to one of her friends that works in the office at my school. She said they may be sending them out by email tomorrow because of what occurred yesterday. Not sure how reliable this info, but that is all i know.</p>

<p>Per a phone call to the admissions dept today - They’re going to post the ED results on Monday morning via website and they will be drop mailing the notifications on Monday (12th) as well.
Didn’t ask what time Monday morning… should have asked :?</p>

<p>yes knowing the time would be great. Thanks so much for checking!</p>

<p>ahhh…nerves are killing me lol</p>