Tip of getting into College of Arch + Design

<p>Virginia Tech is my first choice school and I want to go for Interior Design. I was going to apply for undecided and transfer into interior design, but I don't want to sit through the summer session if I am not guaranteed. I called admissions and they said that if I apply for interior design directly, and am not accepted, then I am not accepted to the university at all. I really need some help decided which college to apply into from students who have already been through the process. Do I even have a chance of getting into the interior design major? I have a GPA of 4.26 weighted, top 10% of class of 266. ACT 26. 3 AP classes and all the rest are Honors courses.</p>

<p>I think your stats are very competitive for CAUS. I am questioning what you were told by admissions. In fact I had this very conversation with a person who works in admissions when we were there this past weekend. I have mentioned before that my son was told that if he did not make it into ID (Industrial Design), but his stats were what University Studies looks for he would be considered for that. If he did not make it into US then his stats were not up to VT standards at all. Some students in fact were deferred for CAUS from ED to RD.
Luckily he made it in ID ED so all was well, but he too struggled with how to apply. He was told to go for ID and at best your in, at worst you may be considered US and at the very worst-you don’t get in period to any program.
I would call them back, because it is very difficult to transfer into. The design students begin their first year with a 12 hour studio and 6 math-geometry of design. That puts you 18 hours behind by summer.</p>

<p>Thank you so much this was a lot of help. I am not applying early decision though…will that make any difference?</p>

<p>Do you really want to go to VT? If so I would do ED, worst that can happen is you are deferred to RD. My son loved that he knew early Dec-it was a relief.</p>

<p>I agree with LynnVB about re-thinking ED vs. RD. If VT is your first choice school, it may be advantageous to apply early. At our hs, it seems that there is a benefit with going that route. (keep in mind, I don’t have any statistical data to back that statement up, just word of mouth about kids who received acceptances when they opted for ED applications). </p>

<p>If you want to wait, I would still apply for the program you want to go into. If you didn’t and were admitted, you would always question what the outcome would have been if you had.
Best of luck to you and although I know it is hard, try not to stress too much about everything! :)</p>

<p>Agreed about the unofficial admittances for ED for my son’s school also. I have “heard” that the competition may be a little more for ED, but the admissions officers also know that these applicants are very serious and committed to attending VT.</p>