Tips and Suggestions for Move-in

<p>H and son are on the way. Move in is at 4:00. Somehow everything fit in a ford escape with room to spare.</p>

<p>Next question. Since we didn’t receive our move in card we don’t know where to enter campus. Ridge reset south. Help</p>

<p>GAMom, turn on to Campus Dr. at the Publix on Univ. Blvd. and follow the signs.</p>

<p>? about Lakeside- can we come in from McFarland to Jack Warner? card says to come in from 359…</p>

<p>If you are coming in from 359 I would think that would be Jack Warner. That is how they funnelled us into Lakeside for Summer II.</p>

<p>CSUS88 - I moved up to the foothills after graduating '84. After 20 years moved to my hometown. Loved attending CSUS. Fond memories. Hope all goes well on your drive and best of luck to your D ! I will be checking in with you !</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone for your feedback and comments. D moved in yesterday - it went smoothly. Check in at 9 and she was in her room by 9:15. We unpacked her and arranged her room yesterday. Trip to Target was very hectic. So a few tips for parents/students. Target is supertarget so you can get groceries there too. But try to minimize what you pick up there unless you have lots of time - otherwise you will be frustrated. Also - it appears that every student decided they wanted pics for their room wall - so the CVS down the street was out of paper and behind on orders. If you want pictures pick them up in your home town so you don’t waste valuable time.</p>

<p>Well, DD has been moved in for 2 days and we still haven’t received the move-in card. :slight_smile: A simple email to Housing fixed that on Wednesday as they sent an email within an hour of my request. Move-in was super easy with the volunteers even taking her 7’x10’ rug on the elevators (thought that was going to be an issue). The only thing DH had to carry up many floors was her headboard. BTW, there are fire code issues if your headboard is too tall. Lots of dads using power saws to trim the ends of the legs! (Who would have thought to bring a power saw??) :slight_smile:
DD’s roomie didn’t move in until three hours after her. Not sure if that’s pre-planned by Housing, but it was great to have the room to ourselves for awhile. Another two/three people in those small rooms of Tutwiler would have been tight.</p>

<p>With all the worry about the move in card, we didn’t even need it. We had a 3:00 time (Ridgecrest South). I drove up early morning to check everything out and the volunteers said it would be absolutely fine to come any time seeing as they weren’t busy, so I picked up son and we drove back up, everything swooped out of our car and in the room within 15 minutes. Give an A+++ to the school and the volunteers for making this move in really a breeze (and literally, having those big fans set up for when folks walked in, coolers full of drinks etc, just superior service). </p>

<p>I am really happy with how we accomplished my S move in. We packed everything tightly into 4 suitcases, I used the underbed storage bags inside each for folded items so that everything would stay tight and not shift, brought his dress shirts in a garment bag on the plane. No baggage charges as we were on SW. Left two suitcases there for underbed storage, took two home. A couple of trips to target when there to buy all other needed items and he is all set. Glad he is a boy :)</p>

<p>We all wanted to see what Bama dining was like (plus money is tight so it was fun to get a “free” family meal) so son used 4 of his guest meals to scan us all in at Burke for lunch today. The cashier was concerned that he was “burning” 4 of his guest meal passes - we were excited he wanted to share them with us. My daughters especially enjoyed the experience. Cool seeing “sorority lunch” at Burke after all I have read about rush week on CC; my family was impressed I could explain what was going on. </p>

<p>Great food (especially the bbq chicken and chocolate icecream) and we had a blast - it made it a little easier driving away. </p>

<p>I hope to see posts this week about OA - don’t want to cramp my son too much by pumping him for details.</p>

<p>? about move in time- we are at 2:00 Lakeside- how many will be moving in at 2- a friend said she was getting in line 30 minutes before set time? is that necessary?</p>

<p>I think more like 15 minutes or even 10 minutes beforehand is adequate. You will spend less than 5 minutes waiting, once the volunteers empty out your car onto the carts. It goes very quick. I have heard that if you arrive too early (and it’s busy), you will be turned away and asked to wait. I have also heard that if you arrive early (and it’s NOT busy), you will be taken straight away. Just drive by and see how busy it is…and then adjust accordingly?</p>

<p>ok thanks- it doesn’t start until 1… so friend may be able to get in early?</p>

<p>We moved our daughter into presidential village Friday. The move was smooth, wonderful and very organized. It is true that we needed no registration move-in packet card so that was good and all that worries about that was for nothing.
I have to thank and repost the suggestion from another poster regarding a large rolling suitcase. We were able to pack all of my daughters folding clothes, boots, socks, underwear in a large suitcase. We used this to take trash and things that didn’t work in her room back to our car. We basically use this suitcase as a shopping cart. Each trip that we made to target and Walmart, and there were many, we put the items in the suitcase, rolled it up to her room vs carrying a lot of separate bags. I think that this is a great suggestion and one I would like to pass on to other families that are moving out this weekend. Since this was the mega large suitcase we brought it home with us.</p>

<p>Someone last year posted suggestion about a small, folding handcart, which we brought - actually 2 of them - I left 1 behind for S to use throughout the year for parcels/boxes/bass case, and I had one that I ferried things back and forth to the car. </p>

<p>The rolling suitcase idea sounds even better (since it is enclosed) and all those individual items don’t embarrassingly tip out of the cart.</p>

<p>I use the reusable shopping bags for all of my groceries. I am so bad about it that I even pack them and take them with us on every trip. They are great for that one big grocery shopping trip for a weeks worth of groceries for 2 families while skiing. Makes carrying everything in super easy. I bought D 3 of the nice heavier duty ones from Vera Bradley to use for her trips to the store since she has to lug them up the stairs at Tut. </p>

<p>Being that I am the sole one that will be doing a trip to Target for her on Thursday with at least 2 cases of water, I’m liking that rolling bag suitcase idea. Surely they won’t insist that us moms with bad knees use the stairs?</p>

<p>Our move in card just arrived in yesterday’s mail (8/17). Our move in date was 8/8!</p>

<p>We got our move-in card last Wednesday, the 14th, and moved DD in on the 9th. It wasn’t a problem, but sure hope they resolve the delay issue before next year’s move-in day. Thanks to CC though, I knew to print up a pass and, again, had no problems.</p>

<p>Our move in card arrived yesterday too. DS moved in on 8/9.</p>

<p>This is a situation Housing should be made aware of. I contacted Housing in July and was told they contract out for the mailing. Housing expected the mailings to go out within 2 weeks of providing all info to the third party. I sure don’t want them to be paying for services that did not meet the promised time lines.</p>

<p>We still haven’t received ours but all good, Janine emailed them to us when we needed them.</p>