<p>I really want a five on the AP world test, so I figured that CC members would be able to offer some helpful advice.</p>
<p>Right now I am going through the material in the Princeton Review book (I'm about 30% done and I started a week ago.) After that, I'm going to take the essays and write thesis statements for each one so my global teacher can tell me if they would get the point (she said that she would do that if anyone took the initiative.) Once I see where I could use improvement, I will go through the part of the book that helps with test-taking/essay-writing strategies. In addition to this, I have been attending weekly review classes and I am watching "World History Crash Course" by John Green. </p>
<p>This is my first and only AP test this year, but my midterm modeled the structure of the AP exam that is coming up.</p>
<p>Does it sound like I'm doing enough preparation? I'm trying to get the major themes from the Princeton review book as I'm going over it. I know that I'm capable of getting a five because I usually get a 7 on in-class essays, but I don't know if I'm doing too much or too little. </p>
<p>(P.S. I am the type of person that is very analytical and structured, so I would like to be following a strict and rigorous schedule.)</p>
<p>Read history and just practice, learn how to do dbqs and understand cartoons and political diagrams</p>
<p>I’m in AP World right now too (as the only Freshman). I’m really nervous about the test, but I’ve been doing well in the class all year long and got the equivalent of a 5 on our midterm that was modeled after the test (ahaha like yours). I’ve started on my review book, and I LOVE the crash course videos. They are SO helpful. Also, my actual textbook isn’t that helpful…way too much info.
I’ve been basically using AP World History: An Essential Coursebook by Ethel Wood most of the year and its really easy to understand concepts and themes. Honestly, I think you are right on track with reviewing. You seem really dedicated, and if you can put the time and effort into it, you can defiantly get a 5. Now I need to take my own advise…I really want a 5 too.</p>
<p>I took AP World last year and got a 5 on the exam. As long as you can manage your time well and can write good essays, you should be fine. The essays can vary in difficulty from year to year, I remember doing a practice Comparison essay that was ridiculous, but keep in mind that they will grade you on the exam in comparison to how everyone else does, so don’t get frustrated or have a meltdown if it’s really hard! I did notice though that the MC section has lots of paragraph long or more questions; I skimmed them and looked for key words, and that worked out best for me. Good luck on the exam! AP World isn’t easy!</p>
<p>I also took AP World History last year and I just read the Princeton Review book. I also had Barron’s flashcards, but I didn’t go through all of them. I still did well on the exam, though. Some questions on the multiple choice section are challenging, but if you have done reading from a textbook throughout the year then you should be fine. For the essays, what I did was I made charts for each civilization/time period that listed economic, political, social, and religious characteristics. Looking up the information to make the charts helped with recall for both the MC and the essays, and I used the charts to do some final review for the exam.</p>