Tips for finding a non-rushing roommate?

Hello, my D is going through the FB group and some other online groups looking for potential roommates for Honors housing, but probably 90-95% of the girls are rushing. I suspect that a lot of the honors kids will be later in committing so the pool will increase as they decide on 'Bama. Her deposits are in and she is committed. Anyone have any tips? Or a more realistic timeline for finding honors roommates?
As always, thanks for the help!

Can she post what she is looking for on the FB page?

My daughter will be in Honors, and she is not rushing either. What FB group is she looking at? My daughter hasn’t started looking for roommates yet.

The Roommate search in the Housing application will be available next Monday, Nov. 2. These are things that will be something you can search by in the Search feature.

Hope this helps,

@intparent she has been active on the FB groups, there are simply too few non rushing girls looking right now. @garland97 She is on both Class of 2020 groups. I will send you a pm with her info in case your daughter would like to get in touch. @UAHousing Thank you as always for your help; apparently my daughter already knew the roommate searching was going live

I was unaware of any current fb groups. I also have an honors daughter with deposit in who might be interested in getting in touch

Search FB for Alabama class of 2020. There is one for parents, as well.

Both of my students found their non-rushing roommates on the Housing site application. It is still early and there will be lots of potential roommates that will be available on that site!

My daughter found her freshman year roommates through Housing’s roommate finder site. I had already met the mothers of 2 of them on this site, though. :wink: My daughter specifically wanted to live with girls who were not rushing, and while it seemed more were than were not, there were still plenty of girls who were not planning to go through recruitment. Although I put the housing/enrollment deposits down in October, my daughter didn’t decide on Alabama until the beginning of March, and didn’t really search for roommates until then.