<p>Does anybody know any tips for the harder math problems on the act? I've been taking practice test and I only miss about 5 out of the first 45 but then the last 15 destroy me and I literly only get one or two right :(. My scores keep coming out to 25 and I've been timeing my self. I despertatly need to get at least a 27 on math when I take the act and I've got around a month to bring it up and I'm running out of time :( so if anyone has any tips at all on the math section it would be greatly apperciated. Thanks in advance guys.</p>
<p>Um, do you know why you get them wrong? The best way to improve is to make sure you understand why you were incorrect. If you have no idea, you may need to improve your ability to decipher what the questions mean or learn more mathematics. The latter isn’t too hard, but the former will take time.</p>
<p>In general, I usually skip questions I cannot do in a short time period and go back to them afterward so I can spend a large portion of time doing them without feeling jittery over time pressures.</p>