<p>I want to take SAT subject tests in physics, math and chemistry.</p>
<p>I'm 21 now (future international student). I didn't do well in these subjects in school and school was long time ago anyway so I forgot most of the stuff. </p>
<p>I want to teach myself these three subjects.</p>
<p>I'm wondering are there any books that would cover everything that is included in test in an explanatory form for people who are learning the subject from scratch?</p>
<p>In case there is no such thing for SAT, what do you guys think about these books:</p>
<p>Complete</a> Mathematics: Teach Yourself: Amazon.co.uk: Trevor Johnson and Hugh Neill: Books</p>
<p>Complete</a> Physics (Completes): Amazon.co.uk: Stephen Pople: Books</p>
<p>Complete</a> Chemistry (Completes): Amazon.co.uk: RoseMarie Gallagher, Paul Ingram: Books</p>
<p>Do you think these should cover all the material which is needed for these three subject tests?</p>
<p>I'll obviously use the regular SAT preparation books and test, but I need to learn everything from a scratch, therefore I'm looking which books are the best for me.</p>
<p>Note: I'm aiming for perfect scores.</p>
<p>Thank you very much!</p>