<p>Take really solid, organized notes in class and on readings. Stay organized so that studying is easy. Keep file cabinets for your old papers to study from so it doesn’t get lost throughout the semester</p>
<p>Read Cal Newport. While he focuses on college, most of his ideas work for high school, too. If you have problems with procrastination, read The Now Habit.</p>
<p>This past semester (im a senior) I got straight As for the first time since seventh grade. I also agree with the homework suggestion- make sure you do everything assigned & do it on time. Teachers are more likely to bump you up when you’re borderline if you’ve turned everything in on time, and a lot of (if not all of) homework usually ends up being for a completion grade. To be honest, I don’t take a lot of notes…I don’t go out of my way to take notes, but I study what the teacher provides and if a teacher says “this will be on the test!” make sure you write it down.</p>