Tips on How to Get a 2400

@biofreak21 Wow! These are great tips! What schedule did you use for studying? Like did you do one week studying math for 2 hours a day, or did you study all the subjects everyday?

Why is it cut off?

im really need an advice
becouse i want a recource of basics (math , writing)
could you help me plz
and contact with me

@donates Hey so I got 800 math and writing and I would strongly suggest subscribing to PwntheSAT Q&A and go thru the questions everyday.

best way to get a good score is to take practice tests consistently. I took at least 15 tests before my real test, including 4 the week before. After taking the practice tests, keep a notebook and record every mistake you made, write the correct answer, write an explanation of the correct answer, and write why you thought you picked the wrong answer. Study this notebook that you make of your mistakes every now and then, and the week before the test and especially the day before, take a look through a bunch of your mistakes. Studying your mistakes is KEY to improoving your score.

Besides practice tests, I would recommend the Barron’s 2400 book for those with good scores and who want to score better in writing section. The grammar section is like only 40 pages long and provides all the difficult grammar “rules” that trip many people up, along with practice sections.

Good luck! From a 2370 scorer

Haha, I started with a 1350, practiced for about a year (very minimally) and read many classical works of literature, I then progressed to 1790, now I memorized 1200 vocabulary words and am at 2140, I’ve got 3 entire months (no school) left to pick that up to a 2400. I’m sure I’ll do it! Thanks OP for the motivation and the advice.

Thank you so much for your advice!! This gave me a lot of motivation to increase my score. I definitely agree with your first statement that wherever you are you can definitely improve and that reaching your SAT score is all about effort. Thanks again for this great post!!