Tips to survive high school.

<p>I just want to send out a general CONGRATS to everyone who got into their schools. But before you guys go, I thought I would post a Survival guide.</p>

<li><p>Hopefully you ALL know this already but Freshman: DON’T THINK ABOUT COLLEGE UNTIL JUNIOR YEAR!!! I’m effing serious. People will probably make fun of you anyway. I don’t want any of yet visiting any colleges at all. None. ZERO. It is probably the worst decision ever. You need to relax freshman year.<br>
Parents: Don’t talk to your kids about college hahaha. I have found that the common cause for freshman college visiting is the parents. I would advise against just because your kids will have enough to worry about freshman year. Adjusting to high school is hard.</p></li>
<li><p>Enjoy freshman and sophomore year. Though all grades are important, the grades that are the most important are junior and senior year. Don’t stress yourself out. You are going to regret it when you become a junior and you have all this work. </p></li>
<li><p>DON’T EVER MENTION STRESS TO JUNIORS AND FIRST SEMESTER SENIORS. We don’t like it when freshman think they are stressed. No complaining until you are in AP classes.</p></li>
<li><p>Don’t let facebook take over your life. It seems that freshman have that problem…</p></li>

<p>I’m going to post more later. If anyone else has any, post them.</p>

<li>Learn to take things as a joke and ignore a$$holes, you will inevitably run into them as freshman especially. Kids tend to try and take there roles early, and try really hard to be “cool” at all costs.</li>

<li>Choose your friends wisely. Your friends have a large impact on your character and your behaviors.</li>

<li>Yes to #6 but be nice to EVERYONE. The kid you might not like now - or think is a little strange - could be your best friend a year or two later.</li>

<li><p>Don’t call yourself a “freshy”. If I ever hear any of you say that I’ll shove your head in a toilet because, unlike the students at my public high school, you’re smarter than that. It just sounds dumb.</p></li>
<li><p>Without being teachers pet or a brown-noser, become friends with your teachers. It always helps to have support from someone who has been there, done that.</p></li>

<p>bump! this is informative</p>

<li>If you don’t have your own capitol S Sport, try new sports. Thirds teams are the most casual and they often end up being the most fun and the best-bonded as they improve from not knowing how to play to being a real team.</li>

<li><p>Before you try and “become a leader”… Become a Junior or Senior. If you try to be a leader during your Freshman year or Sophomore year… You’ll get so much trash. It’ll be hilarious. You’ll hate it. </p></li>
<li><p>Learn to think on your feet… Really. Everyone loves someone that can be witty and funny and think on their feet. Don’t be timid. This has been the only thing that I can do really well, and it has served me well.</p></li>
<li><p>In times of doubt you will wish that someone would reach out to you. The best way to ensure this? REACH OUT TO OTHERS. My first day at my new school somebody brought me a cup of coffee and asked me how it was moving so far South. We talked for over an hour. She isn’t my best friend, but she is one of the few people that I really trust.</p></li>

<li> There will always be people who are stronger than you in one area and weaker in another. Learn from those who are stronger and help the ones who are weaker. That is true leadership.</li>

<li>Try new things! If you’ve never danced before or never taken a ceramics class, try it. You could end up loving it.</li>

<li>Don’t become one of those followers who do everything their friends tell them to do.</li>

<li> Call home for no reason.</li>