Okay - so long story short, I went from being at the top of my class to earning C’s, and sometimes I’ve even failed subjects completely. This all started in junior year when I got depressed and my perfectionist tendencies got way out of hand. It’s also worth mentioning that my family situation is making things even worse. Hell, I can’t even do my homework in peace…Anyway, I spent the whole summer in my room, doing absolutely nothing and when it finally came to an end I decided to set up a bunch of goals for myself…Though once the school year actually took off I immediately started falling back into my old habits of not studying, skipping classes, pretending to be sick etc…
Things have now gone way off track and my 2 years of hard work has gone to complete waste. It’s sure to say that my dream ‘‘major’’ won’t happen but is there still hope? If so, how do I get my shit together? Do you think it would help to talk to someone professional about these issues I’m facing? Also, feel free to share your personal experiences, it would be highly appreciated 
BTW, I’m not from the U.S and this is not my account.
Yes, get somebody to help you. Depression is the worst and hopefully professional help can minimize it. I’m sorry stuff is going so ****tily.
I have OCD and last night it was really acting up, and I was cranky and anxious this morning too. It really does suck and I’m sorry that you have to go through this.
Yes, you should seek help. There really are people out there that can help. I’m going to see my psychiatrist and therapist probably within the next week. Things will get better. I know I’ve come a long way since reaching out for help. It’s a tough thing to do, no doubt, but you’ll feel so much better once you do.
As far as grades and colleges goes, don’t give up hope. Colleges understand people go through hardships that cause their grades to drop. You can mention the reason, if you feel comfortable, in your application. There are plenty of stories of people on here having grades slip for various reasons and went on to great colleges.
I’m going through a lot of the same things. I’m not as motivated and my grades are dropping. I’m sleeping at ever later hours (here I am procrastinating), but I feel like I’m slowly coming out of it.
The most important thing is health. Exercise, eat well, and don’t get sick. Illnesses can really set you back both in terms of energy levels and motivation. Try to make time to take care of yourself. Secondly, I am facing this issue myself, but try to talk to your teachers, especially in classes where you’re struggling the most. They might be able to understand that high school life can be stressful and personal problems can take a toll. It’s always nice to have friendly teachers instead of teachers who think you’re slacking.
Good luck!
I think you should discuss this with a professional. Best of luck.