Hello! I’m currently a junior in high school and I know that NYU is where I’m meant to be. I want to eventually get a master’s degree and then a doctorate from NYU Steinhardt in Educational Theatre because I plan to work in schools (high school or college level) as a theatre teacher. I can’t quite decide where to go for my bachelor’s.
On one hand, Steinhardt’s Educational Theatre program seems to be exactly what I’m looking for. However, a huge part of this major is a liberal arts core, which I’m not a huge fan of since they do require a large number of gen ed courses that I’m not necessarily 100% interested in. I would rather those liberal arts core credits go towards actual theatre and performance classes. I want to be trained in singing and dance at NYU, so I would minor in Music and Dance as well with this major (and maybe even a Producing minor on top of that). They offer specific educational theatre classes that I absolutely love, but I don’t know if the 75% classes I love is worth the 25% classes I’m not in love with, especially with the added stress of 2-3 minors. The pull here for me is that this program does not ask for an audition. I’m very strong academically, so that makes me feel more comfortable in my chances at admission.
Now, everything Steinhardt’s curriculum falls short on for me, Tisch’s Drama curriculum is there to fill in the gaps. Their program is like nothing else I’ve seen and I am totally enamored. However, I’m honestly worried that I’m not good enough to get in compared with the incredible people that I see getting into Tisch. I consider myself to be one of the better performers in my large high school drama club and pretty close to a triple-threat, as I have been training vocally for a few years and have a very classical sound that I think is nice. I work really hard to dance well and acting is something that’s fairly natural and very fun for me. I think I would be a bit happier at Tisch, as every single class is like music to my ears, but I’m scared of being rejected flat-out after my audition. Should I play it safer and go to Steinhardt, or go all in at Tisch and risk being rejected from the only school I can really and truly see myself thriving?
If you read this essay, you’re amazing. Thank you!!!