<p>S is applying and has already taken the MCAT once (32) and is thinking about taking again in August. On the app. it asks if you are planning on taking the MCAT again. If you say yes, will schools not process your app. if everything else is already in (including the first MCAT)? Thanks!</p>
<p>There were some discussions about this on SDN not long ago. Some said some schools may, but some may not. There appears to be no consensus on this. This is all hearsay though.</p>
<p>Why retake though? Is it because it is very unbalanced? Many kids with a 32 definitely do fine. Many kids with 30+/-1 have been getting interviews invites already from UT-SA, Texas Tech since one week ago.</p>
<p>When did your S submit his TMDSAS? I heard the processing time is 4-6 weeks (counting from the day TMDSAS received your check) before “transmitted (to schools)” by TMDSAS. DS unfortunately submitted late and it will be a long wait for him (Payment was received on 7/12, I think.)</p>
<p>Still has not submitted – hopes to by the end of today. Can the fees only be paid by mail or is there an online option? Thinking about retaking to make up for a not so stellar GPA (he is a BME major at Wash U) Thanks for your response!</p>
<p>Send in the check asap, as it takes time for the snail mail to get through.
I thought my S is the only one who tends to be late on many things. Glad to hear he has a company:) He likely has time for the application during weekends only, as he has other more impoortant things to do during weekdays We were overjoyed to hear that he shot down 3 secondaries in one afternoon. (Can applicants typically write their secondary essay that fast???)
I think being a kid (esp. BME) from WUSTL will give him some boost.</p>
<p>I forgot to answer one of your questions. The fees can only be paid by mail. There is no online option.</p>
<p>mcat2 and valmom–yours are not the only children who is dragging his/her a** on getting stuff finished. D still hasn’t chosen her final list of schools yet. Nor actually sent in any of her applications! However she did just get fired from one her fulltime jobs today [she had more than one]–so at least now she has absolutely no excuse on why she can’t get her applications finished.</p>
<p>^ It’s getting really late in the process for schools with rolling applications…some will begin interviewing in August.</p>