<p>I'll be coming to 'SC in the fall :) and I have a couple of questions... any advice would be greatly appreciated!! I feel like I've scoured the USC discussion boards for the answers to these questions, but to no avail. If these questions were in fact answered in a previous thread and I somehow missed it, my apologies...</p>
<p>1.) As far as TO goes, from what I have heard all of the professors are phenomenal. But, from your knowledge/experience, would you recommend enrolling in certain courses over others? (Any other TO insight would be awesome as well...)</p>
<p>2.) I am very interested in trying-out to be a Song Girl. I haven't been able to find much information yet, so any input you could provide here would be super helpful. (Especially regarding possible scheduling conflicts... I've read that practices conflict with TO writing classes?)</p>
<p>...And any other advice for incoming freshmen that you'd like to add is obviously more than welcome! Thanks for your time! :)</p>