to any Tech Students...

<p>so what do you do for fun?</p>

<p>i’m going to skip all of the alcohol related answers; just assuming that since you’re posting here, you’re looking for something else.</p>

<p>-squires is good cheap fun if you’ve got a couple of friends to go with… the pool tables are almost never crowded and the equipment is surprisingly good. bowling and ping pong are always safe bets.</p>

<p>-people watching in downtown is a personal favorite. it really is entertaining (for me at least) to see the different types of people who stumble around downtown 4 or 5 nights a week. you’ll see about everything and come out each night with a different perspective on social behavior, etc. the benches across from the lyric theater are very welcoming; people sit out there all the time (literally from about 7 a.m. in the morning to 3 a.m. at night, you’re likely not going to be the only person hanging out there); so take a book or your laptop and just relax.</p>

<p>-there are a ton of good hikes around here. ‘the cascades’ is an easier hike- but the waterfall at the top is spectacular. really cool to do this hike after it’s been REALLY cold. walking out on the frozen lake and under the giant frozen waterfall is a pretty surreal experience.</p>

<p>‘mcafee’s knob’ is a very very very long (it will take you about 9 mi. (total)) but pretty easy (no big climbs or anything). the roanoke valley looks spectacular from the top of the knob. really really cool if you’ve never been.</p>

<p>there are at least 5 other hikes i’ve been on and would recommend but those are definitely the two you’ll hear the most people talk about.</p>

<p>McAfee’s is only about 7 miles round trip, and it can be shortened to 6.5ish if you take the fire road. It’s great though I agree, and just across the road is Dragon’s Tooth, which is more strenuous but also fantastic.</p>

<p>Go catch movies at the Lyric. I think Monday night you get free popcorn.</p>

<p>Frisbeeee golffff</p>