TO ANYONE WHO HAS TAKEN APUSH or has a good knowledge of the subject - HELP plz

<p>Ok, we were doing a quiz today in APUSH, and my teacher gave us a five question quiz. I got 100% easy as always, but there was an answer choice called</p>

<p>"Gieuseppe Incident"</p>

<p>Has anyone ever heard of this? I can't find it on google or anywhere?</p>

<p>It’s probably a fake answer choice that he made upp.</p>


<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>yeah probably fake…why are you flipping out relax. i took the ap last year and got a 5 and never heard of anything like that</p>

<p>I’m not freaking out…</p>

<p>I just don’t want it to come up anywhere I might need it.</p>

<p>Are you sure it wasn’t the Gaspee Incident?</p>

<p>The Gaspee was a British ship enforcing unpopular regulations. It was chasing an American ship, and a group of Americans attacked, looted, and burned the Gaspee.</p>

<p>Never heard of it.</p>


<p>That is it, since it is associated with what we are going over</p>

<p>ty very much</p>

<p>I declare this thread close thanks to a good answer!</p>

<p>Most likely bogus answer. </p>

<p>Gieuseppe was an Italian opera tenor. In 2004 he was beat up by some thugs at his home. He was left unconscious and eventually died while in coma.</p>

<p>michael2005’ answer could also be correct.</p>

<p>That’s the first time I’ve ever heard of it…It’s probably not that significant anyway.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t go too crazy over minor details and incidents - it’s rare something like that will show up on the actual test. Even if it does appear (probably at most 1-2 questions), you could always skip it.</p>

<p>guys I got an answer that is correct, I asked the teacher</p>

<p>thanks though</p>