To anyone who's interested, DS's final apps count and current status

So DS Applied to many, many schools.
Stats: 4.3 Wt, Native American, IB Dip Predicted:35, Baseball, Football at high levels.
Tons ECs and Volunteering, Provincial awards, no national awards. AISES member, Dual Citizen
Major applied for: Mechanical Engineering/Environmental Sciences.

Abilene Christian University
Amherst College: A2A 3-day program
Bates College
Brown University:
California Institute of Technology
Case Western Reserve University: Interview
Columbia U: College and Engineering
Dartmouth College: Indigenous Fly-In & Interview
Denison University
Dickinson College
Duke University
Georgetown University: Interview
Harvard College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Northeastern University
Pomona College
Princeton University: Interview
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rice University
Stanford University: Rejected
Texas Christian University
Tufts University**: Interview**
University of California: Berkeley
University of California: San Diego
University of California: Los Angeles: Indigenous week program
University of California: Irvine
University of California: Santa Barbara
University of California: Santa Cruz
Univ of Michigan
Univ of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Univ of Notre Dame
University of Oregon: Accepted
Univ of Pennsylvania
Univ of Southern California (USC)
Vanderbilt University
Villanova University
Williams College
Yale University



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Why so many? I see you have an acceptance at UO which is great (and hopefully affordable). A lot of these are reaches/high reaches so you need at least one where you son would happy and it is financially doable. Good luck.

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Good luck! It will be interesting to see the results. :crossed_fingers:

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Is your S a recruited athlete?

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Wow! I’m impressed. My D burned out after about 1/3 of that number. I’ll be curious to follow how things turn out for him!

Yes, a lot of work!

Once it is all done, I will post the results. He made a list, highlighted 4 schools he would be happy at ( I didn’t include our local flagship here, UBC) and the rest were shots in the dark. He figured, "When I am old and grey and sitting in my rocking chair, I don’t want any regrets. (No woulda, coulda, shoulda’s for me! I was really shocked to hear he got a couple of Ivies to interview at!
He put himself out there in the universe and we’ll see how the universe answers back!


Uof O, not so sure it will be affordable! He loves the vibe there. Will be talking with Financial aid soon.

That’s a long list, good luck!

It might be interesting for future recruits for you to explain why your son didn’t end up pursuing athletic recruiting, or if he did how it ended.

One thing I’d caution is to not read too much into the alumni interviews at some of these schools. There’s not necessarily a correlation between interview and admission.


I would love to hear your son’s admissions results. (I am in Indigenous college admissions.) Also appreciate knowing if student body makeup played a role in his choice and which schools seemed most supportive. Thanks.!

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Hello, nice to hear from you, I also would like to ask you some questions. Last night my son got into Abilene Christian University with some merit money. I will do my best to keep the list updated. @politeperson We didn’t really have the support to do baseball recruiting well, so we went with the strength of his Indigenous hook, IB programme, and the fact that he will be an Indigenous STEM applicant. We will reach out to the college once we get in and see if there is a chance for him to walk-on given his skills. If a coach is willing to work with him, he may defer to get up to speed and attend a year later. One year of growth won’t hurt him.


Hello Everyone,

RPI: Waitlisted,
Denison: Accepted with Scholarship
Dickinson: Accepted with Scholarship


Bates: Accepted with Scholarship
Caltech: Rejected (nice letter though)


Are the scholarships need based and/or merit aid? And congrats!

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Bates does not offer merit aid, only need based aid.


No scholarships at Bates, only financial aid based on need.


Good for him. As I said my D burned out BUT about a week before apps were due she did start feeling like she might later regret not applying to one school. She’d never been there but on paper it was intriguing to her and sounded like a great fit. She buckled down and got her essays done and applied - and guess where she is a junior and thriving now?! So yes, sometimes putting in the work it worth it.


Hello everyone, here is an update

UCLA: Rejected
Pomona: Rejected
Williams: Rejected
UC Santa Cruz: Waitlist
UC Irvine: Waitlist
UC San Diego: Accepted
Amherst College: Waitlist
Pepperdine: Accepted
Villanova: Accepted
Notre Dame: Rejected


So far, we are very pleased with these results, son will have some tough decisions in the next couple of months!